Story about Factor V Leiden .

My First DVT / PE

Dec 22, 2015

By: Jeff

In the spring of 2010, I was working and felt that it was a little difficult to bend my right knee / walk - I felt very little swelling / heat so I thought little of it, especially in light of a prior history of having knee problems in that same leg.  Well, after a few days later it was not getting better.  I work in a hospital, so I asked one of the doc's I work with if they'd order an ultrasound because my knee was a bit sore / starting to swell.  So, I go to get the Ultrasound and I can immediately tell by the tech's facial expression that something is not right - she looks at me and says... don't move.  After alot of panicing by the staff (I wanted to return to work... lol) they put me on a cart and admit to the ICU - My DVT was from my groin to my ankle, they ask if I had any Shortness of Breath, I said - hmm.. maybe once about a week or so ago, (again thinking nothing of it).  They order a CT - which shows I have 5 Pulmonary Embolism's and 1 Saddle Embolism, they do some blood work, and find I'm Heterzygous for FVL.  So, after a week of "not moving", lovenox shots in the stomach, and lots of Coumadin - I get discharged and I'm followed up by the coumadin clinic once a week for six months (and wearing the compression stockings).   Due to my very low INR (initially) - and my work ( alot of desk / computer work) I'm now a Warfarin lifer, my doctor & I felt it is better to be on it and not need it, than not be on it... and ooops - shoulda been on it, but hey you now stroked out, so sorry, too bad, so sad. Cost wise it's a no brainer for me, also - I'm fortunate that I'm very stable with the level of warfarin I'm taking. I take 48mg a week - and my INR's are 2.1-2.4, I now only get my INR checked once every 6 months - unless there is some change in my routine / health / medicine.  I also still wear the compression stockings as needed or when I know I'm going on a long road trip / flight.

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