Can people with Factor V Leiden work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Factor V Leiden give their opinion about whether people with Factor V Leiden can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden jobs

Can people with Factor V Leiden work?

Factor V Leiden is a genetic mutation that affects the blood clotting process. It is the most common inherited form of thrombophilia, which increases the risk of developing abnormal blood clots. While having Factor V Leiden may require some precautions and lifestyle adjustments, it does not necessarily prevent individuals from working.

Factors to consider:

When determining the type of work that individuals with Factor V Leiden can perform, several factors need to be considered:

  1. Severity of the condition: The severity of Factor V Leiden can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience frequent blood clots, while others may never have any complications. It is important for individuals to consult with their healthcare provider to understand the specific implications of their condition.

  2. Treatment and management: Proper treatment and management of Factor V Leiden can significantly reduce the risk of blood clots. This may involve lifestyle changes, medication, and regular monitoring. Adhering to the recommended treatment plan is crucial for individuals with Factor V Leiden to minimize potential complications.

  3. Physical demands of the job: Certain occupations may involve physical exertion, prolonged sitting or standing, or exposure to extreme temperatures. These factors can potentially increase the risk of blood clots for individuals with Factor V Leiden. It is important to assess whether the physical demands of a job align with an individual's specific condition and limitations.

  4. Flexibility and accommodations: Employers should be willing to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with Factor V Leiden, as required by law. This may include adjustments to work schedules, breaks for movement, ergonomic considerations, or other modifications that can help minimize the risk of blood clots.

Potential job options:

While the suitability of a particular job may vary depending on individual circumstances, there are numerous career options that can be considered by individuals with Factor V Leiden:

  • Office-based jobs: Jobs that involve administrative tasks, data entry, customer service, or other office-based roles can be suitable for individuals with Factor V Leiden. These jobs typically involve minimal physical exertion and allow for regular breaks and movement.

  • Professional careers: Many professional careers, such as accounting, law, finance, or consulting, are well-suited for individuals with Factor V Leiden. These jobs often involve intellectual work, limited physical demands, and the ability to control the work environment.

  • Technology and IT: Careers in the technology and IT sector, such as software development, web design, or data analysis, can be ideal for individuals with Factor V Leiden. These jobs often offer flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, which can help manage the risk of blood clots.

  • Creative fields: Careers in creative fields like graphic design, writing, photography, or art can be suitable for individuals with Factor V Leiden. These jobs often provide the flexibility to work at one's own pace and can be adapted to accommodate any physical limitations.

  • Teaching and education: Jobs in the education sector, such as teaching, tutoring, or curriculum development, can be viable options for individuals with Factor V Leiden. These jobs typically involve a mix of physical and intellectual work, allowing for necessary movement and breaks.

  • Entrepreneurship: Starting a business or working as a freelancer can provide individuals with Factor V Leiden the flexibility to create their own work environment and schedule. This allows for better control over physical demands and the ability to incorporate necessary accommodations.


Factor V Leiden does not necessarily prevent individuals from working, but it is important to consider the severity of the condition, treatment and management, physical demands of the job, and the availability of accommodations. With proper precautions and adjustments, individuals with Factor V Leiden can pursue a wide range of careers across various industries.

7 answers
Factor V does not limit you physical a blitzes to do a job... ok astronaut may be out of the picture due to the commute.

Posted May 4, 2017 by Dawn B 1000
People can work and play with FVL in any field. Any field where you might cut yourself you probably want to be very careful.

Posted May 4, 2017 by Jennifer 1000
People with Factor V Leiden can do all kinds of work. If taking blood thinners, you will want to be careful and avoid injury. Naturally some fields of work are more prone to injury than others. But one with Factor V Leiden can live a fairly normal life.

Posted May 11, 2017 by Stacy 2650
Personally I think as long as you are smart about preventing issues that could occur you should be able to work in the majority of fields. However I wouldn't recommend anything that involves sitting for extended periods of time.

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rachael 1000
Yes you can work depending on the severity of your condition. If you have blood clots you need to work at a job that allows you to move during the day. Sitting still for too long is not good if you have blood clots.

Posted Dec 28, 2017 by Barbara 4050
Yes those with fvl can work. If at a sitting job, they need to make sure they are up walking to keep blood flow going.

Posted May 22, 2018 by Rose 500

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