Story about Gastroschisis .

Kanean Gastroschisis Survivor

Aug 10, 2017

By: China

Hello, My name is China. I am a mother of 3 beautiful children. Ages 7, 4, and 3. My youngest son was born May 26th, 2014. I was 19 years old, I was 26, weeks pregnant, when my OBGYN found out that my Son had gastroschisis, on ultrasound it was on that his intestins was present on the outside of the body, then during my pregnancy everything was going great until I was about 30-31 weeks pregnant, I kept having pre term labor with him, that we would have to stop. just about every week, we was trying to keep him cooking until i was considered full term, I then relocated and switched OBGYN, I started going to UK Childrens hospital where I finally went in to labor one night and it coulnt be stopped, So I was Rushed by ambulance to UK childrens hospital, once we got there the labor stopped, I lived 2 hours away so they team kept me for 4 days I would be 37 weeks and they decided to go ahead and induce labor and let me have him, there was about 18 Staff members present during my labor process, when He finally entered into this world, He weighed 7LBS and 12 OZ and was 20in long. HE was absolutely BEAUTIFUL what i could see of him has they was rushing him away to take him in to emergency surgery. I later found out that it wasnt just his intestines that was on the outside of his body, it was All of his small intestines and 75% of large intestine, Stomach, bladder kidney's and Appendix was all on the outside. He was Lucky enough to have a Primary Closure that day, and didnt have any complications during surgery. A few days passed and he seemd like her was progressing well and they had done a minor surgery to put in a Broviac placement, one day while visiting with him his hear rate SKYROCKED up to 278 BPM. They done the bag of ice on the face and it broke that little spell, They ended up having to put the broviac in a dirrerent place which was up on his sholder. to the main arterie. He never had any more issues with that. He was about 1.5 old before I ever got to hold my little guy, finally I couldnt have been more happy when the Nurse Asked Me " Do you want to hold Him? I was as nervous as a Long tailed cat in a room full of rocking charis because he has Iv's broviac, and all these monitors. ( my 2 previous children was completely healthy) But I finally got to hold him!! IT WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD. I finally got to hold my baby that we didnt know if he was even going to make it. after the bile was staarting to turn Clear we was finally going to be able to start feeds. I was super excited that ment one step closer to home... we went slow and steady and was doing fantastic. finally got up to full feeds.. The Next day were going home.. after the Dr's come in and do rounds. I was there waiting at 5:30 am Dr's come in around 8:00 to do their roounds and We was finally being discharged after 4 long weeks. I missed my other children something terrible I was ready to be home with all 3 of my babies. I was told we was going home So I just to start packing our things. I had everything packed up getting ready to call the shuttle to come back to get me So i could go get him and Wait on my aunt to come and pick us up. I making the bed, and the Phone Rings. Mrs. Eastridge, We need you back at the hospital ASAP. I rushed back over to the Hospital where i was informed that Kanean Had Bloody stool, the formula wasnt aggreeing with him sensitive intestines. So they immediately told me that We would have to Stop all feeds for at least a week and then start from the beginning on a new Formula. I was devistated. I was scared and I couldnt imagine my baby having to not eat for over a week. That week pasted SOO slow.. Poor thing was so hungy he rooted, and cried and cried and I would rock and hold him as much as possilbe, come over during the night and just hold him. Finally we was able to start feeds. starting at 2.0 ML we was taking it nice and slow again finally we was back up to full feeds again by this time he was in the NICU a total of 6 Weeks. Everything went well, and he tolorated EleCare formula. So on week 7 We was finally released. He now is a Very handsome, Smart, Funny, outgoing little boy, that you would never know that he had any issues until you see his BEAUTIFUL BELLY BUTTON. He is for sure MY MIRICAL baby. I couldnt Imagine my life With out him. Hope you enjoy OUR story.. 

Garstro Warrior

This kids got GUTS!! 

Love my Gastro Baby. 



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