Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Ollier disease?

People with experience in Ollier disease give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Ollier disease. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Ollier disease

Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain a relationship when you have Ollier disease?

When it comes to finding a partner and maintaining a relationship, having Ollier disease can present unique challenges. Ollier disease, also known as enchondromatosis, is a rare skeletal disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign bone tumors called enchondromas. These tumors can affect the growth and structure of bones, leading to physical limitations and potential complications.

Challenges in finding a partner:

Individuals with Ollier disease may face certain challenges in finding a partner due to the physical and emotional aspects associated with the condition. Some potential challenges include:

  • Physical limitations: Ollier disease can cause deformities, limb length discrepancies, and mobility issues, which may impact an individual's self-confidence and ability to engage in certain activities. These physical limitations can make it more challenging to meet new people and establish romantic connections.

  • Body image concerns: The visible effects of Ollier disease, such as bone deformities or limb length differences, may lead to body image concerns and feelings of self-consciousness. These insecurities can affect one's confidence in initiating and maintaining romantic relationships.

  • Medical needs: Ollier disease requires ongoing medical management and monitoring. Frequent doctor visits, surgeries, or treatments may disrupt daily routines and potentially impact the time and energy available for building and nurturing relationships.

Maintaining a relationship:

While Ollier disease may present challenges, it does not necessarily mean that maintaining a relationship is impossible. With understanding, communication, and support, individuals with Ollier disease can foster healthy and fulfilling relationships. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Open communication: Honest and open communication with a partner is crucial. Sharing one's experiences, concerns, and needs related to Ollier disease can help build trust and understanding.

  • Empathy and support: A supportive partner who shows empathy and understanding can make a significant difference. Having someone who acknowledges the challenges and provides emotional support can help alleviate the emotional burden associated with the condition.

  • Adaptability and flexibility: Both partners may need to be adaptable and flexible in accommodating the physical limitations and medical needs associated with Ollier disease. This may involve making adjustments to daily routines, planning activities that are suitable for both individuals, and being patient during times of medical treatment or recovery.

  • Seeking professional help: In some cases, couples may benefit from seeking professional counseling or therapy to navigate the unique challenges that Ollier disease can bring to a relationship. A therapist can provide guidance and strategies for effective communication, managing emotions, and maintaining a healthy relationship.


While finding a partner and maintaining a relationship may have its challenges when living with Ollier disease, it is important to remember that love, understanding, and support can overcome many obstacles. Building a strong foundation of communication, empathy, and adaptability can help individuals with Ollier disease establish and maintain fulfilling relationships.

2 answers
There is no reason why someone with olliers disease cannot have successful relationships at sll

Posted May 18, 2017 by Sarah Jane 5070

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