What is the prevalence of Ollier disease?

How many people does Ollier disease affect? Does it have the same prevalence in men and women? And in the different countries?

Prevalence of Ollier disease

Ollier disease, also known as enchondromatosis, is a rare non-hereditary skeletal disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign cartilage tumors called enchondromas. The prevalence of Ollier disease is estimated to be approximately 1 in 100,000 individuals. It typically manifests in childhood and affects both males and females equally. Enchondromas can occur in any bone, but they most commonly affect the long bones of the limbs. While the exact cause of Ollier disease is unknown, it is believed to arise from somatic mutations during embryonic development. Regular monitoring and management are necessary to address potential complications.

Ollier disease, also known as enchondromatosis, is a rare skeletal disorder characterized by the development of multiple benign cartilage tumors called enchondromas. These tumors primarily affect the long bones of the limbs, such as the femur and tibia, but can also occur in other bones like the hands and feet.

The prevalence of Ollier disease is estimated to be around 1 in 100,000 individuals, making it a relatively uncommon condition. It affects both males and females equally and can be present at birth or develop during childhood. The exact cause of Ollier disease is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to arise from genetic mutations that occur spontaneously rather than being inherited from parents.

Individuals with Ollier disease may experience various symptoms depending on the location and size of the enchondromas. These can include bone deformities, limb length discrepancies, fractures, and joint pain. The condition is typically diagnosed through imaging techniques such as X-rays and MRIs.

While there is no cure for Ollier disease, treatment options focus on managing symptoms and complications. This may involve surgical interventions to remove or stabilize tumors, physical therapy to improve mobility, and regular monitoring to detect any potential malignant transformations of the enchondromas.

3 answers

Usually diagnosed in the first 10 years of life

Affect men and women the same

Posted May 18, 2017 by Sarah Jane 5070
Translated from spanish Improve translation
1/100 000 prevalence

Posted Sep 19, 2017 by Elisabeth 100

Prevalence of Ollier disease

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Stories of Ollier disease

Ollier disease stories
On Wednesday 8th April 2009 at 1:23pm my amazing miracle James Paul Myles arrived into the world, as soon as he was placed in my arms he was my life, no feeling could ever compare to that day. When James was 2 years old he had several accidents that...
Ollier disease stories
George is my 5 year old son who was diagnosed with Olliers 3 years ago he has it in his fingers, arm, shoulder, ribs, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot and toes on his left side and also his it in his collarbone and his hip on his right side. He's always s...
Ollier disease stories
My son fell and broke his knuckle over his little finger when he was 5 years old.  During xray, when they took a look at his pictures, they saw that he had broken bones in his hand multiple times before. He has never expressed any form of pain bef...
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I'm married; I have 3 kids (°2012, °2013, °2016). The eldest, my daughter has maffucci. Ollier was diagnosed at the age of 2; Maffucci at 4. We're under supervision @Ghent and Brussels
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