Is there any natural treatment for Turner Syndrome?

Are there natural treatment(s) that may improve the quality of life of people with Turner Syndrome? Here you can see if there is any natural remedy and/or treatment that can help people with Turner Syndrome

Natural treatment of Turner Syndrome

Is there any natural treatment for Turner Syndrome?

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects females and is caused by the absence or abnormality of one of the X chromosomes. It can lead to various physical and developmental issues, including short stature, infertility, heart defects, and learning difficulties. While there is no cure for Turner Syndrome, there are several natural treatments and interventions that can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition.

1. Growth Hormone Therapy

Growth hormone therapy is a common treatment for Turner Syndrome, aimed at increasing height and promoting normal growth. This therapy involves regular injections of synthetic growth hormone, which can help girls with Turner Syndrome achieve a more typical height. It is most effective when started at an early age, ideally before puberty. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and duration of treatment.

2. Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Estrogen replacement therapy is often recommended for girls with Turner Syndrome to induce puberty and promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Estrogen can help prevent osteoporosis, maintain bone health, and improve overall well-being. The therapy typically involves the use of low-dose estrogen patches or oral medications, and the dosage is adjusted based on individual needs and age.

3. Fertility Treatments

Many women with Turner Syndrome experience infertility due to ovarian dysfunction. However, with advancements in assisted reproductive technologies, there are options available to enhance fertility. In vitro fertilization (IVF) with donor eggs can be a viable option for women with Turner Syndrome who wish to conceive. It involves fertilizing donor eggs with the partner's sperm and transferring the resulting embryos into the woman's uterus.

4. Psychological Support

Living with Turner Syndrome can be emotionally challenging, especially during adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, it is crucial to provide psychological support to individuals with Turner Syndrome and their families. Counseling, support groups, and therapy can help address the emotional and social aspects of the condition, promoting self-esteem, coping strategies, and overall mental well-being.

5. Regular Medical Monitoring

Regular medical check-ups and monitoring are essential for individuals with Turner Syndrome. This includes routine evaluations of growth, cardiovascular health, kidney function, hearing, and thyroid function. Early detection and management of any associated health issues can significantly improve outcomes and prevent complications.

6. Educational Support

Children with Turner Syndrome may face learning difficulties, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or specific learning disabilities. Providing appropriate educational support can help them overcome these challenges and reach their full potential. This may involve individualized education plans (IEPs), specialized tutoring, and accommodations in the classroom.

7. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on the overall well-being of individuals with Turner Syndrome. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Physical activity can help improve muscle tone, cardiovascular health, and bone density. A nutritious diet can support optimal growth and development, while sufficient sleep promotes overall health and cognitive function.


While there is no natural cure for Turner Syndrome, various treatments and interventions can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition. Growth hormone therapy, estrogen replacement therapy, fertility treatments, psychological support, regular medical monitoring, educational support, and healthy lifestyle choices all play important roles in the comprehensive management of Turner Syndrome. It is crucial to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each person with Turner Syndrome.

2 answers
Le traitement du retard de croissance par l’hormone de croissance débute dès l’enfance.
Les malformations cardiaques peuvent avoir à être traitées chirurgicalement. Des traitements
orthopédiques (chirurgicaux et non chirurgicaux) peuvent être également nécessaires.
Le traitement d’éventuelles otites à répétition et le dépistage d’une diminution de l’audition sont importants. La prothèse auditive peut être nécessaire car une ouïe défi ciente peut
nuire à la scolarité. Elle peut être nécessaire également à l’âge adulte : 25% des femmes
atteintes y ont recours vers la quarantaine.
Le strabisme doit être pris en charge très tôt pour permettre aux fi llettes de développer
une vision parallèle des deux yeux (vision binoculaire), nécessaire à la bonne perception
de la profondeur et de la distance.
A la puberté, l’apport d’hormones ovariennes normalement sécrétées par l’ovaire, oestrogènes dans un premier temps puis oestrogènes et progestérone, est indispensable. A l’âge
adulte, le traitement par oestrogènes et progestérone doit être maintenu. Son arrêt ne peut
s’envisager que vers l’âge présumé de la ménopause.
Dans un nombre minime de cas, lorsque du matériel du chromosome Y a été détecté dans
le caryotype, les ovaires doivent être enlevés car dans ces rares cas il existe un risque de
Maladies Rares Info Services 01 56 53 81 36
Le syndrome de Turner
Encyclopédie Orphanet Grand Public
www.orpha.net/data/patho/Pub/fr/Turner-FRfrPub44v01.pdf | Juillet 2006 7
développement d’une tumeur.
La prise en charge du diabète est nécessaire à cause des risques de complications qui y
sont liées. Le diabète est généralement bien compensé par un régime pauvre en sucres rapides et équilibré en protéines et en lipides et par l’exercice physique. Le contrôle médical
doit être régulier. Le traitement de l’hypothyroïdie se fait par l’administration d’hormones
L’hypertension artérielle doit être également prise en charge, par un régime approprié et
des médicaments adaptés. Ce traitement peut débuter très tôt, dès la petite enfance.

Posted Jul 24, 2019 by Association "Turner et vous"

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My name is Alyssa and I was dignosed in 2012 or  2013 at the age of 16 i am now 20 and my family  always knowen there was a problem and we found out when i went to see a pediatrician and her studnet picked up on it when we told him my simptoms ex:n...
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Diagnosed at 14 with mosaic TS. Community activist campbell county ts support

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