Living with Hereditary Angioedema. How to live with Hereditary Angioedema?

Can you be happy living with Hereditary Angioedema? What do you have to do to be happy with Hereditary Angioedema? Living with Hereditary Angioedema can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Hereditary Angioedema

Living with Hereditary Angioedema

Living with Hereditary Angioedema

Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the immune system and causes recurrent episodes of swelling in various parts of the body. Living with HAE can be challenging, but with proper management and support, individuals with HAE can lead fulfilling lives.

1. Education and Awareness

Understanding HAE is crucial for managing the condition effectively. Educate yourself about the causes, symptoms, triggers, and treatment options available. Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in HAE management. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions about your health.

2. Build a Support Network

Living with HAE can be emotionally and physically demanding. Surround yourself with a strong support network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who understand your condition and can provide the necessary support. Joining support groups or online communities can also connect you with others who share similar experiences.

3. Develop a Treatment Plan

Work closely with your healthcare team to develop a personalized treatment plan for managing HAE. This may include preventive medications, acute attack treatments, and self-administration techniques. Adhere to your treatment plan and regularly communicate with your healthcare provider to ensure it remains effective.

4. Identify and Avoid Triggers

Identify triggers that can potentially induce HAE attacks and take steps to avoid them. Common triggers include stress, certain medications, hormonal changes, trauma, and infections. By recognizing and minimizing exposure to triggers, you can reduce the frequency and severity of HAE episodes.

5. Emergency Preparedness

Despite preventive measures, HAE attacks can still occur. Be prepared for emergencies by having a well-stocked emergency kit that includes prescribed medications, contact information for your healthcare provider, and clear instructions for family members or caregivers on how to assist during an attack.

6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help manage HAE symptoms. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to support your overall well-being. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption as they can worsen symptoms and trigger attacks.

7. Stress Management

Stress is a common trigger for HAE attacks. Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or engaging in hobbies that help you relax. Prioritize self-care and find healthy ways to cope with stress.

8. Travel Precautions

If you plan to travel, take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Carry your medications and emergency kit with you at all times. Research local medical facilities at your destination and consider obtaining a medical alert bracelet or necklace that identifies your condition.

9. Regular Check-ups

Stay proactive in managing your HAE by scheduling regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. Regular monitoring can help track your condition, adjust treatment plans if needed, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

10. Emotional Well-being

Living with a chronic condition like HAE can take a toll on your emotional well-being. Seek support from mental health professionals who can help you navigate the emotional challenges associated with HAE. Practice self-compassion, engage in activities that bring you joy, and maintain a positive outlook.

Remember, each person's experience with HAE is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another. It's essential to work closely with your healthcare team to develop a personalized approach to managing your HAE. With proper care, support, and self-management strategies, you can lead a fulfilling life despite the challenges posed by Hereditary Angioedema.

8 answers
be proactive in treatment and regimen

Posted Mar 15, 2017 by Jennifer 1150
First of all you need a great support system. And remember that although a family member may tell you they aren't as tired of the disease as you are in truth they probably are. Second you need a knowledgeable doctor they will become your most important alliance in this fight. Third and last you have to be able to ask for help when needed. Because you will have days you feel you can climb a mountain and days when you can lift and arm without a lot of effort.

Posted Apr 27, 2017 by Mary Helen 1400
You have to learn to deal with what God gave you through medical treatments and good support systems.

Posted Apr 28, 2017 by Nikki 1150
It is possible to live a happy life despite living with HAE - it's all in the attitude. Smile ! A positive attitude goes a long way

Posted May 23, 2017 by Donna 2250
With modern preventive drugs I live a somewhat normal life

Posted Nov 29, 2017 by [email protected] 2300
If I am being honest, this is something that I struggle with. The best advice I can give, and also try to take for myself, is to accept your life for what it is. This is who we are; our HAE does not have to define us, but it is a part of us, and we need to be able to accept that. It’s very easy to get down on yourself, especially after an attack, on feeling like this isn’t fair. But, it is who we are, and it’s not going anywhere. It’s not easy to live a normal, happy life struggling with the difficulties of HAE, but what is the alternative? This is the one life we get, and although it may not be as ideal as you’d like, it’s still your life. We need to find a way to become more than just our HAE.

Posted Jul 10, 2018 by Alex 400
Translated from spanish Improve translation
You can be happy but you need to be diagnosed and to have the necessary medication in order to lead a life as normal as possible.

Posted Feb 23, 2017 by Mary 1161

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Stories of Hereditary Angioedema

Hereditary Angioedema stories
Mine started in 2009 with my first swell, it was my lips and cheek. That is the same time the ucartia started also. It took my Dr. 5 years to find something to help me control and survive my Angioedema. I never knew how bad this could be till I was d...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
My earliest memory of HAE symptoms was when I was about 6 or 7.  I would occasionally get the abdomen swelling, be sick and sweating all day, then I would finally vomit and then feel better, go to sleep and be better the next morning.  I consider m...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
Desde niño tuve que soportar los diversos episodios de AEH sin saberlo, pasando de medico en medico con diversidad de diagnosticos y ordenes de cirugias innecesarias, gracias a Dios no acudi a ninguna. Fue hace tres años que optuve el diagnostico r...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
I was diagnosed accidentally, after seeing a TV show where the host talked about her HAE in 2014. My first attack was at 8, when I was mistakenly hospitalized with appendicitis.  The surgery wasn't done, because I felt better in 3 days.  Next reme...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
i was dx in 2008 with my first fasel swell . im hae type 2 . im co founder of the facebook group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/156649074393978/ )

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Hereditary Angioedema forum

Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, Is anyone aware of Cinryze experiencing a shortage supply? If so, why and where is this shortage (US or Europe)?   Thanks!
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, Is anyone aware of Cinryze experiencing a shortage supply? If so, why and where is this shortage (US or Europe)?   Thanks!
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, For those of you currently (or in the past) taking Cinryze, Firazyr, or Kalbitor, has Shire always paid for your co-pays through the co-pay assistance program or was there a limit to how much they paid? I've also heard that the case managers...
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi Everyone, I am interested in understanding and learning about your perspective on treatments and services available for HAE. What happens when you lose insurance and you need to obtain treatment? During this time, are you given treatment fre...
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to understand what it is like for people with HAE. Therefore, would you ever switch treatment? Why or why not? What happens if you lose insurance coverage? Are you still recieving treatment? Was there a time where you had to ...

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