Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Aspergillosis?

People with experience in Aspergillosis give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Aspergillosis. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Aspergillosis
9 answers

Posted Sep 11, 2017 by Michele 2656
Continual coughing and tiredness when unwell with chest infection which takes several weeks to get over can be challenging for a partner or family.

Posted Oct 18, 2017 by Peta 3110
I have had a partner during the duration of my disease and we have found no difficulty in maintaining it, I would think that an underlying happy and stable relationship would preclude any difficulties.
I can't see any reason why you shouldn't continue as anyone else, but it would be extremely unfair and foolish not to advise a potential partner.

Posted Oct 18, 2017 by Vaughan 2500
yes it is easy to have/find a partner however if severely poorly and effecting your health some what then your partner will need support and give them options - speak to your GP/professor - whoever is helping you with this, internet - the aspergillus website, there are newsletters etc on there. all of this for finding advice and support but you must support them through this too

Posted Nov 9, 2017 by Sam 2500
Be patient as you can be up and down emotionally and disturbed sleep with breathlessness. It difficult to maintain relationship if your partner understands and supports you. Be honest and open with your partner explaining your feelings and worries.

Posted Aug 14, 2018 by StuartMcKelvie 4050
Luckily for me, I have been married over 45 years. This is not to say it has been easy. My husband can get frustrated with my illness. With 4 grown children, 8 grand children, and 2 great grand children it is very difficult because there are many expectations! I am 5'4", and about 125. I do not look sick at all so many times friends and family do not understand why I get out of breath and sick a lot. But! It is not impossible to maintain a very healthy relationship with a partner at all if they are understanding and realize certain limitations. That being said, there are moments as with any other loving relationship that sometimes you will not feel loved or understood enough. The only advise to anyone with this is when times like this happen, because they will, know that it is a normal part of living. Sometimes I try to understand how my partner feels, and try to give leeway to the feelings of others. In times like this, it may be helpful to do something good for yourself. Take a time out, or a quiet time to re evaluate any stressors that developed that could have caused you or your partner to feel taken advantage of, impatience with, or harsh words said. Remember that in these instances, time really can heal. Take a breather from each other for a little bit and come back with a different perspective. If you feel truly wronged or hurt or verbally or even physically abused in any way, talk about it with a family member you trust, or a friend you feel comfortable with, even your doctor or health care provider. Remember, the one you have chosen to share your life with and the person you may meet will want to love the person that you are and your health issues do not define who you are!

Posted Aug 8, 2019 by Patricia Fletcher 2500
As with any debilitating illness that is incurable, there are difficulties for all relationships.

Posted Oct 16, 2019 by GAtherton 3100
yes - just explain the disease so they have an understanding of it - we all have different challenges

Posted Oct 17, 2019 by Linda Galbraith 2500
I don't know.
I contracted it whilst single.
I don't see how it would make a difference to finding a partner.
You can't give up hope on anything

Posted Oct 19, 2019 by Pam Mars 2500

Couple and Aspergillosis

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