Which are the causes of Visual Snow?

See some of the causes of Visual Snow according to people who have experience in Visual Snow

Visual Snow is a condition characterized by the presence of tiny, flickering dots or static-like patterns in a person's visual field. These visual disturbances can significantly impact a person's quality of life, causing discomfort and difficulty in performing daily activities. While the exact cause of Visual Snow is not yet fully understood, several factors have been identified as potential contributors to the condition.

1. Hyperexcitability of Neurons: One theory suggests that Visual Snow may result from hyperexcitability of neurons in the visual processing pathways. This hyperexcitability could lead to abnormal visual processing, causing the perception of static-like patterns.

2. Dysfunction in Visual Pathways: Another possible cause of Visual Snow is a dysfunction in the visual pathways that transmit information from the eyes to the brain. Any disruption or alteration in these pathways can result in abnormal visual perceptions, including the presence of visual snow.

3. Migraine or Migraine Aura: Visual Snow has been frequently reported in individuals with a history of migraines or migraine aura. Migraine is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent headaches, and it is believed that the same mechanisms underlying migraines may also contribute to Visual Snow.

4. Neurological Disorders: Some neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy, have been associated with Visual Snow. It is hypothesized that the underlying neurological abnormalities in these conditions may contribute to the development of Visual Snow.

5. Medications and Substance Use: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, antiepileptics, and recreational drugs, have been reported to induce or worsen Visual Snow symptoms. Substance use, including alcohol and illicit drugs, may also play a role in triggering or exacerbating the condition.

6. Genetic Predisposition: There is evidence to suggest that some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to developing Visual Snow. Certain genetic variations or mutations could make individuals more susceptible to the condition when exposed to certain triggers or environmental factors.

7. Other Factors: Other potential factors that may contribute to Visual Snow include eye disorders, such as dry eyes or astigmatism, as well as psychological factors like anxiety or stress. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between these factors and Visual Snow.

While the causes of Visual Snow are still being investigated, it is important for individuals experiencing these symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management strategies.

by Diseasemaps

I believe genetics are to blame. Something in the brain did not form correctly when born. It could also be toxicity. No one has an exact answer as of yet.

5/9/17 by Emily 1150

Genetic - chimical embalance (serotonin-dopamin-gaba)

5/9/17 by Leonardo 2000

Personally i awoke one day with severe head tension and VS. There is no research stating how it starts. Period of anxiety for 4 months leading up to it with no other history of anxiety. No proof of anything

6/4/17 by Jayden 1410

The cause is unknown and being researched at this time. There is solid evidence of what it is though and how it affects the sensory systems.

10/2/17 by Rrakusin 2000

Genetics seem to be the only explanation

1/12/18 by Max 3550

A dysfunction in the lingual gyrus, researchers haven't concluded a specific cause. From my own research, genetics, severe emotional trauma, environment, and health play a major role

3/13/18 by samanthapaige 1500

Some are born with it. Anxiety or depression can cause it and some people develop it after head trauma or after taking drugs.

3/22/18 by Eimear 1500

It is unknown at this time what the exact cause of visual snow is, however, there are several theories.The first is a neurological disorder of visual processing in the brain cortex (rarediseases.org). Some people even develop visual snow following hallucinogenic drug use. This is called HPPD or hallucinogen persisting perception disorder.

2/2/19 by Dangalangus 820

Genetics, drug use.

5/28/19 by Labnjab 2500

You might be born with it, pure neurologic or you might have medication that did some serious damage there.

9/3/19 by Yasmine Elsen 2500

Not totally sure. I was going through a very stressful time in life and it just started one day after I had a bad headache. It was after I hit my head in a car accident

9/4/19 by Denali 2550

Some are born with the condition. Others suffer it after an accident, neurological incident, life event, stress, or other causes. There appears to be no main cause, however no matter how you have the condition, parts of your brain are similar to others who have the condition.

9/14/21 by Kay 2670

No real causes have been discovered so far, some doctors believe that accidents to the head might have caused that. Other doctors also belive that excessive use of drugs may also cause VS.

3/14/22 by Khaled 3630

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