What is the life expectancy of someone with Visual Snow?

Life expectancy of people with Visual Snow and recent progresses and researches in Visual Snow

Visual Snow life expectancy

The life expectancy of someone with Visual Snow is not affected by this condition. Visual Snow is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the perception of constant visual disturbances such as flickering dots, static, or snow-like patterns in the visual field.

While Visual Snow can significantly impact a person's quality of life, it is considered a benign condition that does not pose any direct threat to one's health or longevity. However, it is important for individuals with Visual Snow to seek medical evaluation to rule out any underlying causes and manage associated symptoms.

Although Visual Snow can be chronic and persistent, it does not reduce life expectancy or increase mortality rates.

Visual Snow:

Visual snow is a rare condition characterized by the presence of tiny, flickering dots or static-like patterns in a person's visual field. These visual disturbances can vary in intensity and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as floaters, light sensitivity, and difficulty focusing. While the exact cause of visual snow is still unknown, it is believed to be related to hyperexcitability of certain cells in the brain's visual processing system.

Impact on Life Expectancy:

Visual snow is generally considered a benign condition that does not directly affect a person's life expectancy. It is not associated with any life-threatening complications or systemic diseases. However, it is important to note that the impact of visual snow on an individual's quality of life can vary significantly.

Quality of Life:

Living with visual snow can be challenging for some individuals. The persistent visual disturbances can interfere with daily activities, such as reading, driving, or watching television. The symptoms may also cause anxiety, depression, or social isolation in some cases. It is crucial for individuals with visual snow to seek appropriate medical care and support to manage their symptoms effectively.

Management and Treatment:

Currently, there is no specific cure for visual snow. However, various management strategies can help individuals cope with the symptoms and improve their quality of life. These may include:

  • Lifestyle Modifications: Avoiding triggers such as bright lights, excessive screen time, or certain medications that may worsen symptoms.

  • Prescription Medications: Some medications, such as lamotrigine or acetazolamide, have shown potential in reducing visual snow symptoms in some individuals. However, their effectiveness may vary, and they should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT techniques can help individuals manage anxiety or depression associated with visual snow and develop coping strategies to minimize the impact of symptoms on daily life.

  • Supportive Therapies: Engaging in relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, or joining support groups can provide emotional support and a sense of community for individuals with visual snow.

Research and Future Outlook:

Visual snow is still a relatively new area of research, and scientists are actively working to better understand its underlying causes and develop more effective treatments. Ongoing studies aim to uncover the neurobiological mechanisms involved in visual snow and explore potential therapeutic targets.


While visual snow itself does not directly impact life expectancy, it can significantly affect an individual's quality of life. Seeking appropriate medical care, adopting lifestyle modifications, and exploring various management strategies can help individuals with visual snow manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

18 answers
I am not sure. Many people live very long lives with visual snow.

Posted May 9, 2017 by Emily 1150
Same as general population.

Posted May 9, 2017 by Leonardo 2000
It's not a terminal illness. Also, you will not go blind

Posted Jun 4, 2017 by Jayden 1410
Does not affect life expectancy

Posted Oct 2, 2017 by Rrakusin 2000
Varies from person to person. Some of us are VERY sick. Visual snow syndrome can ruin lives..

Posted Dec 11, 2017 by Iben Gwen Tollan 100
I do not think that visual snow affects life expectancy.

Posted Jan 12, 2018 by Max 3550
Life expectancy is normal

Posted Mar 13, 2018 by samanthapaige 1500
The same as anyone without the condition.

Posted Mar 22, 2018 by Eimear 1500
Normal life expectancy

Posted May 28, 2019 by Labnjab 2500
You're not suddenly going to die. You might as well live 100 years! But please don't jump under a bus just to try and prove that.

Posted Sep 3, 2019 by Yasmine Elsen 2500
I have no indication VS shortens life span

Posted Sep 4, 2019 by Denali 2550
I’m not sure, but as a patient my best guess is the same as anyone else.

Posted Mar 2, 2020 by Karmalita 1400
Normal life expectancy. It is not considered to affect/shorten life.

Posted Sep 14, 2021 by Kay 2670
It is important to know that visual snow doesn't affect life expectancy at all.

Posted Mar 14, 2022 by Khaled 3630
There is no evidence to support Visual Snow has any bearing on life expectancy. Your life span is believed to be within normal limits assuming you have no other health conditions which could shorten your life span.

Posted Dec 3, 2022 by Stuart3758 900
I am so scared i have this ,i am gonna die or something or i am gonna be blind please guys any help o am so scared i have 14 years old and i am so scared

Posted Jan 8, 2023 by AdyPower 100
@adypower My Grandma lived to age 97, and was still climbing apple trees at 92. She described her vision as progressing from "like looking through a lace curtain" to central blindness with a circular ring of static around the dark center. We don't know if it affected my mom. I have it, intermittently and to a lesser degree Im 63. My daughter started having it at a much younger age and higher degree, now can't drive, she is 29 and has struggled. Grandma & I adapted well - carrying on despite. My advice, don't worry be as happy as you can. Avoid artificial light, - too much light (buy great quality shades). and live. Strive to thrive!

Posted May 31, 2023 by Leia_of-the-farm 100

Visual Snow life expectancy

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Stories of Visual Snow

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I'm not sure if i've always had VS but around 20 or so I definitely recognized having it when randomly asking someone else about all the countless amount of white "snow" in a dark room. It affects my night vision greatly. Obviously i'd rather not h...
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I was prescribed adderall.. I was taking the max dosage, one month I lost my pill bottle and went a month without it, didn't have any withdrawals though oddly enough.. After I got my next script.. I took one, and about 8 hours later I started to feel...
Visual Snow stories
At teen age I started with lots of head aches. After some time it stopped but I do not know why. Dozens of nights I had symptoms like *Alice in the Wonderland* with space distortions in size and volume. Now when I am 40 I am diagnosted with Lyme and...
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hello! I have had visual snow since I was about 12 years of age. It just came about one morning while waking up and it has been with me ever since. It did not bother me until I was about 21 years old when I started developing extreme eye floaters and...
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I’ve has VS since I can remember. Since I’ve dealt with this static vision or “snow” all my life, I’ve been able to over come almost all the complications that come with it. When I was a young child and learning how to read, the static agai...

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Visual Snow forum
Hello my friends.    Wow, what an intense few years.   6 years ago I was crippled by massive amounts of health conditions. I counted over 30 symptoms.   candida / chronic yeast infections chronic ear infection&#...
Visual Snow forum
I have visual snow since childhood. I got to know about it recently. i never noticed it that much when i was unaware . but now when i am aware i think it is incresing day by day . but was not like that when i thought it was normal. 

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