Which are the symptoms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease?

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Symptoms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT) is a group of inherited neurological disorders that primarily affect the peripheral nerves, which are responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. This condition is named after the three physicians who first described it in 1886: Jean-Martin Charcot, Pierre Marie, and Howard Henry Tooth.

1. Muscle Weakness: One of the hallmark symptoms of CMT is muscle weakness, which typically begins in the lower legs and feet. This weakness can gradually progress to involve the hands and arms as well. The muscles may become smaller and weaker over time, leading to difficulties with walking, balance, and fine motor skills.

2. Foot Deformities: CMT often causes various foot deformities, such as high arches (pes cavus) or flat feet. These structural abnormalities can contribute to difficulties with walking and balance. Additionally, individuals with CMT may experience foot drop, a condition where the muscles that lift the front part of the foot are weakened, leading to a dragging or slapping gait.

3. Sensory Loss: CMT can also affect the sensory nerves, leading to a loss of sensation in the feet and hands. This can result in decreased ability to feel pain, temperature changes, or touch. As a result, individuals with CMT may be more prone to injuries or burns without realizing it.

4. Muscle Cramps and Twitching: Some people with CMT may experience muscle cramps, spasms, or involuntary twitching. These symptoms can be intermittent and may worsen with physical activity or fatigue.

5. Balance and Coordination Issues: Due to muscle weakness and sensory loss, individuals with CMT may have difficulties with balance and coordination. They may be more prone to falls and have trouble with tasks that require precise movements, such as buttoning a shirt or writing.

6. Hand Weakness: As CMT progresses, weakness in the hands and fingers may become more pronounced. This can make tasks that require fine motor skills, such as gripping objects or manipulating small items, challenging.

7. Nerve Pain: Some individuals with CMT may experience nerve pain, also known as neuropathic pain. This pain can vary in intensity and may be described as burning, tingling, or shooting sensations. It can occur in the feet, legs, hands, or arms.

8. Fatigue: CMT can cause muscle fatigue, meaning that the muscles tire more easily with activity. This can lead to decreased endurance and increased difficulty with physical tasks.

9. Speech and Swallowing Difficulties: In rare cases, CMT can affect the muscles involved in speech and swallowing. This can result in slurred speech, difficulty articulating words, or problems with swallowing.

10. Other Symptoms: In addition to the above symptoms, CMT can sometimes be associated with other medical issues, such as scoliosis (curvature of the spine), respiratory problems, or hearing loss. However, these additional symptoms vary among individuals and may not be present in all cases of CMT.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate management of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease.

by Diseasemaps

Fatigue & Pain

2/21/17 by Adrian 250

The main symptoms of CMT are hammer toes high arches muscle weakness, weakness and deformities in the hands

5/21/18 by Joe 4050

Someone have foot and leg pain. Others use the wheelchair. It depends on how advanced the disease is.

5/22/18 by Gabriel 1700

Doctor said Type 1. Limiting is walking and holding. If I could get rid of some symptoms I would be running the first.

5/22/18 by Serap 100

Neuropathy of the limbs, usually legs first. Nerve pain, tingling or worse. High arches of the feet and hammer toes. Drop foot usually comes along with it and causes imbalance. Muscle loss. Would like to get rid of the nerve pain the most.

5/22/18 by Dawn 4050

Muscle weakness & Atrophy Loss of sensation Loss of balance

5/22/18 by Suzie 500

Weakened legs and arms High arched feet Curled toes Weak ankles Drop foot Weak hands and fingers Poor balance Chronic pain and fatigue

5/23/18 by Karencmt 2620

Suffering pain in low legs,hands,arms, back and neck, also fatigue.

5/23/18 by Darren 550

Some of the symptoms of CMT are tremors in the hands, claw hands, feet deformity, hard time walking for long distances, muscle and nerve pain, hard to open things or button things, and numbness in feet and hands

5/23/18 by SavShelton 2550

Feet abnormalities Poor sensitivity, circulation, coordination, muscle control, bone growth Upside down champagne leg (due to calf muscle loss) Spinal deformities Breathing difficulties ...and more

5/29/18 by Daniel 4200

Numbness in feet and hands. Balancing issues

12/8/19 by Bob 1400

Foot droop Falta de equilíbrio Dores Atrofia muscular

12/9/19 by Moisés 200

Symptoms - Peripheral neuropathy, foot drop, fatigue, joint & neuropathy pain, hypermobile joints. If I could get rid of a symptom it would be the fatigue and pain.

2/7/20 by Roberta 1900

Pain in muscles, neuropathy, and weakness in limbs

2/8/20 by Rhonda 1300

Lack of balance is huge. Options for treatment are few and finding practitioners who have any knowledge of the disease is hard.

2/8/20 by Skrick 650

Symptoms include:tingling, nerve pain, numbness in legs and feet and for some the lower arms. Legs and arm cramping, stiffness, restless legs, bursitis on the joints, sprains and fractures as well breaks. Loss of sensation.Arthis. loss of balance, so reflects and muscle loss. Continuous nerves, muscle and joint pain. I would get rid of muscle loss, balance and continuous pain.

2/9/20 by Susan 600


2/9/20 by Jim 3000

Foot pain and exhaustion are most limiting for me. Others are so limited in ability to walk that they are in a wheelchair. Most of us wear ankle foot orthotics also called braces to assist with pain, balance, energy and deformed feet. If I could get rid of any symptoms it would be the constant problem of no energy. Foot pain would come next.

2/13/20 by Linda 1550

I would like to be able to walk again..

10/1/21 by Lili 900
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Especially lack of muscular strength

9/4/17 by Lorena. Translated

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