Which are the symptoms of Scleroderma?

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Symptoms of Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissues in the body. It is characterized by the abnormal growth of collagen, a protein that forms the structure of the skin and other organs. This excessive collagen production leads to hardening and thickening of the skin and can also affect internal organs, blood vessels, and the digestive system. The symptoms of scleroderma can vary widely depending on the individual and the extent of the disease. Here are some of the most common symptoms:

Skin Changes

One of the hallmark symptoms of scleroderma is skin involvement. The skin may become tight, thickened, and shiny. It can also appear reddish or purplish in color. In some cases, the skin may develop small white lumps or calcium deposits. These skin changes typically occur on the fingers, hands, face, and other areas exposed to the elements.

Raynaud's Phenomenon

Raynaud's phenomenon is another common symptom of scleroderma. It is characterized by the narrowing of blood vessels in response to cold temperatures or emotional stress. This can cause the fingers and toes to turn white or blue, followed by a red flush as blood flow returns. Raynaud's phenomenon can be painful and may lead to numbness or tingling in the affected areas.

Joint Pain and Stiffness

Scleroderma can cause joint pain and stiffness, similar to arthritis. The joints may become swollen and tender, making it difficult to move or perform daily activities. This symptom is more common in individuals with systemic scleroderma, a form of the disease that affects multiple organs.

Digestive Issues

Scleroderma can affect the digestive system, leading to various gastrointestinal symptoms. These may include difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) due to the tightening of the esophagus, acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. In severe cases, scleroderma can cause malabsorption of nutrients and weight loss.

Lung Problems

Lung involvement is a serious complication of scleroderma. It can cause shortness of breath, coughing, and a dry, persistent cough. In some cases, scleroderma can lead to pulmonary fibrosis, a condition where the lung tissue becomes scarred and stiff, making it difficult to breathe.

Heart Issues

Scleroderma can affect the heart and blood vessels, leading to various cardiovascular symptoms. These may include an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), chest pain, high blood pressure, or heart failure. It is important for individuals with scleroderma to regularly monitor their heart health and seek medical attention if any concerning symptoms arise.

Kidney Problems

In some cases, scleroderma can affect the kidneys, leading to kidney damage or failure. Symptoms may include high blood pressure, changes in urine output, swelling in the legs or ankles, or foamy urine. Regular monitoring of kidney function is crucial for individuals with scleroderma.

Other Symptoms

Scleroderma can also cause a range of other symptoms, including fatigue, muscle weakness, dry eyes and mouth, hair loss, and sensitivity to cold temperatures. Additionally, some individuals may experience emotional and psychological effects due to the impact of the disease on their daily lives.

If you suspect you may have scleroderma or are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate management of the disease.

by Diseasemaps

Reflux that is not heartburn but on a scale that is so painful. This is due to the disease destroying the motility of your esophagus. My reflux was so severe and damaging that I had experimental gastric bypass surgery to stop it. I was not overweight at all and this was a method suggested by doctors out of the United States. By having my stomach be the size of a plum gastric juices can't reflux. Pulmonary Fibrosis where your lungs are affected. The medication Cellcept has been so effective for me. I have horrific pain 24/7 and horrible fatigue. My pain is everywhere but the worst being in the legs. It's as though I am being stabbed every single centimeter from the inside - out. So I am not able to sleep much at night due to the pain. I could go on and on with other issues.....

3/21/17 by Peggy L 550

Joint pain and stiffness would be the first thing I would get rid of. For others with greater skin involvement, skin thightening would be the first.

3/22/17 by Paige 100

Scleroderma is a very personal disease, meaning each person has very different issue than the next. So there really isn't one main symptom that is the worst in general. For myself the worst symptoms would have to be my skin and how tight it has become. It causes me to get horrible ulcerated sores on my hand and feet. And my lung function which has been steadily getting worse. I have pulmonary fibrosis and it's becoming harder and harder for me to breath on my own.

3/31/17 by Amy 2600

The worst symptoms of Scleroderma would be tightening of the skin and getting rhaynud

4/1/17 by Fashah 1150

Stifness of the body pain in your hands tired all the time

4/1/17 by Milda 1000

It varies depending on the disease variant. For patients with more severe diffuse forms of scleroderma, it can be severe pain and fatigue, physical deformity (typically hands then face). Digital ulcers can be very painful and slow healing, potentially leading to gangrene and auto-amputations. Lung problems are common in this disease and are currently the leading cause of death. While the disease gets its name from hardening of the skin, in the limited variants of the disease, this symptom is often delayed for many years. In the diffuse variants, skin changes are usually very common in early years.

4/3/17 by Choclit 1150

For me the worst symptoms are the extreme fatigue, insomnia, AND rheumatoid arthritis. Also, the mental challenges of NOT working!

9/29/17 by Teresa 100

I have CREST ! Raynauds stomach issues and joint pain!

6/16/18 by Michelle Weatherford 100

Scleroderma means 'tight skin" in Latin and has many variable symptoms. I am affected by Scleroderma with features of CREST: Calcinosis, Reflux, Esophagial issues, Sclerodactly, and Tangectacius. These symptoms seem to move around and some do not affect me at all. However, wintertime is particularly difficult with Raynaud's which turns my fingers red, white, and more often, blue. This means poor circulation and blood is not going to those areas.

11/21/18 by Juanita 1900
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Without hesitation raynaud's syndrome result in ulcers and wounds inability to use the hands.

2/24/17 by . Translated
Translated from spanish Improve translation

hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis, barett barret, renal failure chronic, deformity of hands and feet due to the hardening of the latter, arthralgia, diffuse, association with Sd. Sjogren's and Raynaud's

2/27/17 by cecilia miranda. Translated
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Pain, especially in the legs, hands, beds become swollen and with sores, lack of circulation in the fingers, tiredness, breathing problems with exercise.

3/21/17 by Amparo. Translated
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Widespread pain, heartburn, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, limitations in the arms and legs, difficulty walking for a long time, I can not wear any footwear and especially deterioration of the denture

3/23/17 by ana h. Translated
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Hardening of the skin. Lack of mobility of certain body parts, especially hands. Change in skin coloration (darkened or in some cases white spots). Severe loss of weight. Difficulty eating certain foods, especially hard. Reflux and nausea. Diarrhea and extreñimiento.

4/28/17 by Alma Olivia. Translated
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Spots on the skin, which is placed as hard as a piece of cardboard, first the stain is white until you get to an ivory color.they have little tolerance to the cold

5/11/17 by Tatiana. Translated
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Fatigue, deficiencies in iron, known as anemia, syndrome of Reynaud, pain of joints, sausage fingers, numbness in the hands and severe pain by the failure in the flow of blood to the hands and fingers, similar to a burning pain

5/15/17 by Lucero. Translated
Translated from spanish Improve translation

Is usually associated to the Raynaud's phenomenon that hampers the movement of hands and feet usually when you are exposed to cold or stress. It can also affect internal organs, primarily the esophagus and therefore will have difficulty swallowing and reflux, lungs and can cause pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary hypertension, this may also affect heart and kidneys. The liver can be affected but often times it is due to the medication. The skin loses flexibility and usually although it depends on the type of scleroderma tends to affect the face and hands to a greater extent. Problems in the mobility of the joints, ulcers in the fingers of the hands, ankles, and elbows mainly. The symptom that I would remove if I could it would be the internal organs as lungs and esophagus in my case.

5/15/17 by Montse. Translated
Translated from portuguese Improve translation

Pain in every joint in the body. Digital ulcers. Difficulties in swallowing. Thickening of the skin, including opening of the mouth. Pulmonary fibrosis

9/30/17 by Carol. Translated

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