> Adult-onset Stills Disease > Stories

I will not give up.

Started in May of 2009, while at a meeting for work I had a fever and overall sick feeling when I got to my hotel room.delt with it slept until the next day and all was fine. Same thing happened the next day in the afternoon and evening. This went on for over 6 months.it was like clockwork at 2:30 everyday the pressure of a vise on my joints then the muscles were on fire and then by 7 p.m. the 105 fever. Got diagnosed and told it would either go at or get worse and it did both, it was periodic for a few years then summer of 2014 I had a bad flare that lasted 13 weeks with 3 fever spikes of 105 a day. When I could manage we will r to the Mayo clinic and the diagnosis was confirmed Soni started on Actemra. So now I don't get the fevers ND I take pin meds that do not have work for LL the pin but I do not want to take more meds then why is prescribed.

In July I had my shoulder replaced with this going to Stills.

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