> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

My son has CFS

My son was diagnosed with CFID's in 1992 after having been ill for almost a year.  At that time it was caled Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. He was in 6th grade and missed a lot of school and after he was diagnosed by a specialist in Houston he was assigned a home bound teacher. The first year or so he was bed-bound.  Over the years he has gotten gradually better in that he is not in bed all day, but he is home bound and only gets out for a Dr. appt. or occasionally on a good day for a short drive. He is unable to exercise and must pace himself on the amount of time he walks around the house or sits up at his computer.  He has been sick since he was 12 years old and is now 37, so he has been sick for 25 years. :(

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