> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

My journey

I was diagnosed with ME/CFS January 2015 after collapsing after my final exams at college. I was too sick to return to school and eventually too sick to leave my bed or house for months. Walking down the driveway was a huge outing for me and left me out of breath and dizzy. As time went on we searched for doctors and answers. My mom had ME/CFS as well and got better on an anti-viral protocol. So I started Valcyte and colchicine and after 10 months I feel like a new person. I can drive, workout (to a certain extent), and am back taking a few (easy) classes. But I am so much better than I was! If you'd like to check out my story I wrote a touching blog that helped many of my friends and family understand what I was going through.


I have also started a charity where I make and sell bracelets. 100% of the profit goes to Stanford University's Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research led by Dr. Jose Montoya. 



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