> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

the journey

I first started feeling tired all the time a few years back but considered it to be just old age I was in my late forties or early fifties ,, I kept having recurrent sinus infections ,, at least I thought it was... Then after taking three rounds of antibiotics in a very very short period of time , I was hit with total exhaustion , I didnt do anything for 8 weeks , just layed in my recliner ,, eyes closed and talked very little ,,,, spent two visits to the ER ,,, ( paying $2500.00 still )  had MRI , Cat Scan , Three different Blood draws , X-rays ,, P test , Heart Monitor for 24 hours ,,,, hearing test , and eye test , not a thing came up bad ... final diagnosis was CFS ,,, and here I am ,,, a year later , I have my good days now and my bad days , I havent had a very very bad day in a while , so I feel I have been improving , but still ,, under any real exertion , I become exhausted for about a week ,,,, 

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