> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

My Story

It was 2009 and the Swine Flu epidemic was in full force. I felt unwell at work on the Friday, but put it down to fatigue, as I had been working long hours for the last few months. Over the weekend things didn't improve and by Monday I felt very unwell and was diagnosed by my GP as having Swine Flu.

Days went by and I didn't improve, in fact I seemed worse. Sleeping all the time, no energy, aching all over, which got worse if I tried to do anything.

After months of numerous tests, doctor and hospital appointments, I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and months later I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME.

I tried to return to my job twice over a 2 year period, but in the end I lost my job of 16 due to inefficiency due to ill health.

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