> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. > Stories

Story of my Life

Now in my 70's I can barely remember the day I could not walk. That day came when I was discharged from St. Joe's hospital after being diagnosed with acute leukemia with 4 different staph infections in my blood two of which they at the time could not id. I was attending college at the time and was so happy to hear that my white blood count had become normal and I could go back to school. But little did I know that that was the beginning of Hell on Earth.
I could not remember things, could only walk a short distance and flunked out of school. It took me 10 years to finally get my degree. I never recovered. Pain, fatigue, anxiety, digestion problems, brain fog, easily overstimulated migraines, TMJ, retina eye problems, mitral valve prolapse,fibromyalgia, just to name a few. At one time I could not wear clothes because my skin felt burned other times it itched so much I could not sleep. Oh yes and the elusive sleep.......the pain always seemed worse at night. I stopped crying because it would take what little energy I had and besides I would get those migraines. What really hurt was the comments about me not being grateful for getting a second chance at life......or maybe I just wanted attention after all all the labs are now normal. I have been bedridden for years but now I have gotten better so I am just housebound......well half a day up and moving and half a day in bed.
I did manage to work but it was so difficult I know you all understand this one. I feel for all of you and wish after all these years and all the things I have tried that I could give you guys some pointers but I can't. So very sorry. I wish we could all get together and have a very gentle group hug. I know how lonely it is to have this and my heart is with each and everyone of you.

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