> Cluster Headaches > Stories

Vacation Turned to Nightmare

i have suffered from migraines since I was 16. But the headache still I have now are nothing like a migraine. 

Migraines come and go leaving little trouble behind. 

These daily presistant and cluster headaches are no joke. In 2011 I was on vacation in Hawaii and took a Hopper plane from one island to the next. I hate to fly and worked myself into such a panic that when I landed I thought I was having the worst migraine of mylife. 

I have had a daily constant headache since 2011 with little to no relief. I have tried it all- occipital Nerve blocks, epidurals, Botox.... massage, acupuncture, PT, eye exam, oral pain mediciation. 

Nothing seems to work longer than the initial attack. When the meds wear off the headaches are back. 



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