> Crohn's disease > Stories

Getting a diagnoses

I feel like I have always had a "funny tummy" since the age of 16. At 18, I believe I had my first real Crohns flare that out me in hospital. After that, it wasn't so severe. The Crohns came back with a vengeance when I was 20 and I would be rushing to the the toilet and constantly bent over in pain. This continued and I was continuously told that I had IBs, despite having comstantly elevated CRP levels. I eventually went to university (despite having lost 2 stone in 8 months). Underweight, in pain and lethargic, I was now convinced that it was all in my head and that as others said "I must just get on with it". It all went downhill from there. I ended up coming home and seeing my consultant who immediately admitted me to hospital (by then I weighed 6st 5 ... I am 5ft 5 and usually weigh 9st 8. I had a picc line put in and was fed intravenously. I had a barrage of tests and was finally transferred to St Marks where it was discovered that I had severe Crohns in my small intestine. This was in July. Fast forward to now, I have just come off of the pred and have my fourth humira shot tomorrow. I am back at university with much more energy but still in as much pain as before :( 

i remain optimistic and will never let this stupid disease beat me!

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