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My son

I joined because my son was diagnosed 2 and a half years ago, when he was 13. His name is Billy. It was so horrible. I hated watching my little boy go thru this. Now he is in remission, it has been a year. He has IBD too, so he has pain, but not as severe. He goes thru Remikade every 4 weeks. He is in 10th grade and doing well. He has his good days and he has his bad days. I hate it when he wakes up and he is so pale, I get so scared. Before he was diagnosed we had to rush him to the hospital for severe anemia. His blood count was so low it almost didn't register. The gi dr. told me he was lucky, he could have died. I am now an advocate, and will fight for not just my son, but for all who have this. Our government needs to help and help now. We don't want to lose anymore to this disease, or suffer any longer. I pray that someday soon they find a cure. My prayers are with all that have it and have to deal with it everyday.

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