> Crohn's disease > Stories

Never ending

Quitting cigarettes seemed to change my life, but to me it seemed to bring in other issues ...... 2003 I was diagnosed and after being on Salofalk for almost 8 years. 2011 I crushed my ankle in a work place accident ,leading to so much stress from WCB. Mid July I started having some real issues and ended up in Hospital ,after a week with no food and little water I had a colonoscopy and it ruptured my colon. Emergency surgery was performed.It wasn't pretty. Ended up with a temporary illeostomy. After 2 weeks in hospital I could finally go home . VON came in daily to help me as I was pretty much by myself, once my boyfriend at that time had yo go back to work. One week later VON noticed my belly distended and I once again was rushed In for another surgery. Another 2 weeks many pounds lost. I went from 145 to 118 in a matter of weeks. I was so sick and so tired. So many meds. Slowly I added much needed weight and I could eat again. News in February 2012 to have a reversal was music to my ears. Another 17 days in the VG before I could finally come home . That spring after losing my home I moved in with said boyfriend. He just had a Heart Attack. We were both down and out. Hard to keep a relationship going under so much misery. Since then I've had 3 more surgeries one in March 2015 for a twisted bowel and Two in March and April of this year for perianal abscesses and fistula. 2017. Still on meds .entyvio at the moment has not worked neither has Humira. Been on antibiotics since March also Imuran. My seigmoidoscopy has shown so much inflammation,ulcers and polyps. I know it's just a matter of time before I have to endure more surgery. Eventually I will either get colon cancer or a bag for life. Stress and Anxiety are hard on the body. With out my family and my x boyfriend and some friends I really don't know where I'd be.

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