irschsprung's (HIRSH-sproongz) disease is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with passing stool. The condition is present at birth (congenital) as a result of missing nerve cells in the muscles of the baby's colon. A newborn who has Hirschsprung's disease usually can't have a bowel movement in the days after birth. In mild cases, the condition might not be detected until later in childhood. Uncommonly, Hirschsprung's disease is first diagnosed in adults.

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Typically, the most obvious sign is a newborn's failure to have a bowel movement within 48 hours after birth.
Other signs and symptoms in newborns may include:
Swollen belly
Vomiting, including vomiting a green or brown substance
Constipation or gas, which might make a newborn fussy
In older children, signs and symptoms can include:
Swollen belly
Chronic constipation
Failure to thrive



Nervous system




Pull-through surgery
In this procedure, the lining of the diseased part of the colon is stripped away. Then, the normal section is pulled through the colon from the inside and attached to the anus. This is usually done using minimally invasive (laparoscopic) methods, operating through the anus.
Ostomy surgery
In children who are very ill, surgery might be done in two steps.
First, the abnormal portion of the colon is removed and the top, healthy portion of the colon is connected to an opening the surgeon creates in the child's abdomen. Stool then leaves the body through the opening into a bag that attaches to the end of the intestine that protrudes through the hole in the abdomen (stoma). This allows time for the lower part of the colon to heal.
Once the colon has had time to heal, a second procedure is done to close the stoma and connect the healthy portion of the intestine to the rectum or anus.

Hirschsprung Disease stories


I was diagnosed with HD at a day and half old. I had a colostomy bag for a year and half and then had the pull thru done. I was diagnosed with TCHD (Total Colon Hirschsprungs Disease). I had my ups and downs throughout the years with multiple surger...

Views: 829 Jan 5, 2016, 7:29 PM by Martin Modrak


In July of 2009 we found out our son had Hirschsprung's disease.  He had it all his life but was misdiagnosed.  We thank god for Dr Harmond.  He found it and started treating Tony.  We had a up hill battle though.  We had a p...

Views: 816 Jan 5, 2016, 5:44 PM by Tina mom to Tony( 15 )


Tuve un embarazo normal y saludable, al igual que el nacimiento de mi hijo, pero a las dos semanas de nacido y después de expulsar todo el meconio empezó con constipación. Dejó de evacuar diario, aunque comia, dormia y su ...

Views: 790 Jan 6, 2016, 8:43 PM by Claus


Diagnosed at 1 week old.  First pullthrough at 1 month old.  18 inches was removed from his intestines. Pooped on his own after the operation.  Stopped pooping at 2 months and 2 weeks old.  Found out he was lactose intolerant, too...

Views: 722 Jan 5, 2016, 6:35 PM by Krylsean Dizon


I am the mom to a 3yr old 28 weeker. My son, Gabriel, was expected to have Hirschprung's since the beginning, but wasn't diagnosed till 11months theough biopsy. He had has pull through a week later. He only had to have 7cm taken. We are gaving a bit ...

Views: 687 Jan 5, 2016, 7:28 PM by Kristina Ferguson

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