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A Multiple Chemical Sensitivity story

I've always had a good sense of smell, but when I moved into a house in 2013 that smelled weird to me, I started getting swollen glands and a wheezy chest. I only lived there a few months and knew I had to leave, but it seemed to have started a process where every time my respiratory system is triggered by perfume/exhaust fumes/damp/chemicals etc then I became even more sensitive so my life has gradually become more restricted. I was working as a choir leader - which has been very difficult, though my singers all know not to wear perfume. But then I began to react to washing powder as well and now I have just had to stop work. I can't use public transport or any vehicle, can't go into public buildings so shopping is difficult; doctor, dentist and optician impossible. It's amazing how insular one has to become, and the challenging thing for me is that it is progressive. It took a long time to find a house I didn't react to but I am starting to react to this, and as things progress I am not sure where that leaves me!

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