> Multiple Chemical Sensitivity > Stories

A Multiple Chemical Sensitivity story

I was officially diagnosed with MCS last year at the Environmental Health Clinic at Women's College Hospital.  I have however had issues with MCS since aprox.  1993.  It became quite severe within the last 3 years.  My place of employment hired a few new people that wore scented products that greatly affected me.  I fought with management to enforce their already existing fragrance free policy, but they refused.  The affecting people claimed they wore nothing and so Management took their word for it.  After 8 long months of exposure they fired me.  They got tired of me asking them for accommodation and enforcement of their policy.  I was able to get a settlement at a Human Rights mediation, but I think it should have been much more since this event was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Before this I could somehow manage, but it became very apparent at my next place of employment that things would never be the same.  After a short 5 month period I had to leave due to exposure to scented products in the workplace.  I have been out of work since.  I am now a full time homemaker and rarely leave the house.  I no longer go to movies, eat out at restaurants and go to public places in general.  Even going to have a blood test done is a challenge.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet with friends as well.  Even though they know I have issues with perfumes and colognes they continue to wear them in my presence.  My own sister refuses to change her laundry detergent when she is around me (lives out of town).  I have been working since I was 13 years old and it is proving to be a challenge to be out of work for 6 months now.   It is a very lonely  and frustrating illness.

I am saddened by your story and find myself in a similar situation at work but I have a lot of support from most of my co-workers and HR has committed to help. My family members are not ones that bath in fragrance but some ware deodorants that they are unaware that they cause problems. I don't want to be a nuisance and will avoid them. As my condition worsens I will have to put myself first.

Posted 4 years ago by Daniel

You have to take care of you, because trust me no one else will. Just remember the more you are exposed the worse you become. I now am finding that hugging people is very problematic. I am contemplating not doing it anymore. People may be offended but I am sorry but my health comes first.

Posted 4 years ago by Julie

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