A Nefropatia por IgA interview .

Djalma's interview

How did all start?


Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

Sim. 1 ano, obtive através de biopsia.

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?


What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Acompanhamento clinico associado aos medicamentos

What have been your biggest difficulties?

Não tive grandes dificuldades.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

Não sofreram alterações. É uma doença facil de se conviver quando bem tratada

What things have you stopped doing?

Não parei de fazer nada por causa da doença

What do you think about the future?

Espero ter um futuro normal convivendo com o IgA

So far, which years have been the best years in your life? What have you done during them?

Os ultimo ano foi um dos melhores, com a chegada do meu primogênito.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

Consigo fazer tudo, mesmo portando a doença

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

Sou feliz mesmo portando o IgA

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Faça o tratamento e siga sua vida normal


Por: Djalma

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