> Sarcoidosis > Stories

slow to diagnos

I was coughing so much I could barely speak.  I went to the doctor and they told me I had bronchitis.  I was given medication but it did not help.  I continues to get worse.  I went to the emergency room because my legs had become so swollen as well as my feet I could barely walk.  I had lumps on my legs and they were sore to the touch.  I was having trouble breathing and The coughing was out of control.  At the ER they gave me a chest x-ray and I was told there was something on my luings but it was probably from all the coughing and they told me my legs were swollen because I didnt walk enough.  They sent me home.  I contacted my doctor and told her that there was something wrong with me and it wasn't bronchitis and I was exhausted.  She sent me to a pulmonary doctor who then told me I needed to go to an oncologist because I may have Lymphomia cancer.  The oncologist said that it could be either cancer or Sarcoidosis.  (something I never heard of)  A biopsy was done and I was doagnosed.  This whole process took 2 months and It was so unnerving to me.  I felt as though no one cared and even after I told people about the disaese they said that I looked fine.  People still say "well you don't look sick" .  No matter how hard I try I cannot be 100%.  I have since been diagnosed with arthritis and it is so painful in my hands and feet.  It hit me so hard and it continues to do a number on me.  I still work everyday and continue on with my life.  I just wish there was more public knowledge about the disease and more doctors that knew how to diagnos.  There is not one doctor in my area that really understand this disease.  

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