> Turner Syndrome > Stories

Georgia's Turner's Story

The dr that delivered me picked up something was wrong and my parents were referred to a paediatrician when I was 3 months old. A karyotype confirmed Turner's Syndrome I had failure to thrive which was resolved (obviously). As I grew I had many ear and chest infections. I was regularly monitored by the paediatrician until I became an adult. From about 12-15 I took oxandrolone (I may have gained a couple of extra centimetres). Then I started oestrogen and progesterone, for a while o stopped but then I got back onto tris  equens which I took for about 20 years. Last year I was switched to patches. Around 33 I was diagnosed with hypogammaglobulinaemia and began receiving intragam infusions, first 4 weekly now 6 weekly. For the past 18 months or so after separating from my husband I have lived with and cared for my elderly parents. In 2014 I had a gastric band operation and have since lost 34 kilograms.

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