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My VSS Journey

Living with uncertainty is one of the debilitating comorbidities of having a visual snow, it is when you wake up everyday with the fear of the possibility of the worsening of the said condition. living with it was never easy, you have to deal with other symptoms that comes with it, for example palinopsia (visual trailing), starbursts, increased floaters in the eyes, vertigo, migraine with aura, and the likes. As a young adult who is just starting with my life, it is freighting to think that this may hinder the future that I want for myself, many doubtful questions arise in my mind; Am I going to live normally? Can I still do the things that I love? What if I became visually impaired rendering me useless? Will this progress? All those questions where present in my mind all the time, waiting for answers, waiting for assurance that everything will be fine. As days go by, I crave for answers, I have read many articles, watched videos about it, making myself knowledgeable about the certain condition, I read that the condition stabilizes over time, it can get worse with stress and sleep deprivation, I have also known that the condition may not be rare at all, many people might experience it into some point but they never told anyone because they don't know how to explain it or the doctors haven't heard about it, Visual Snow Syndrome is pretty new to the medical field, the studies just started last decade, regardless, the most comforting fact is that research and studies are ongoing, there's this one article that states that treatment may be available in the year 2030, which gave me hope because I'm in my early twenties and I still have a long life to live. For now I just have to habituate and try to live my best with it, to appreciate what I have, and to look forward for the positive things that will happen. For you who might read my story, I hope that you will never loose hope and faith with yourself, I know it's hard to live with it and many people may never understand what path were going through right now, so be patient with yourself, remain calm, especially when symptoms become adverse or progresses, remember visual snow doesn't cause blindness.

Sometimes we are forcefully put to challenges and battles that we think that we may not conquer, but no one told us to win it as soon as possible. The most important thing to do right now it to survive, make yourself strong, as well as your faith. Let's just wait, cure it coming.

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