> Visual Snow > Stories

Life of Static

As long as I can remember my vision has been that of watching a television, that isn’t quite tuned in.
I have not had an official diagnosis as my doctor had never heard of this disease, I could follow it up with specialists but I have always just thought it was normal and seeing as it’s not life threatening and there is no cure, I’ll just do what I have always done and put up with it.
I suffer from clinical depression also, but believe that is hereditary. My night vision is terrible, especially when I drive. I am so glad it has a name, Visual Snow.
I am very active and am outside a lot! I don’t let this affect my life. I ride horses and they are my true passion in life.
I am glad I found this page as reading everyone else’s stories I don’t feel so alone. When I tell people I see static they look at me like I am making it up. Which isn’t a nice feeling.

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