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It's Called Vitiligo

 I became a Vitiligo advocate last year when I decided to embrace my skin condition by getting a tattoo that says "It's Called Vitiligo."
I've had Vitiligo since I was 7 years old. I am 26 now. Spots first appeared on my knees after I fell and cut them up. My mom brought me to a dermatologist who told me it was just a rash. Well my vitiligo went undiagnosed for many years until someone in a grocery store told me the name of my condition. 
Before discovering makeup, I had a challenge time accepting my vitiligo. Strangers would stare and whisper rude comments and kids called me many different name. 
I've spent the last 10 years hiding my skin with clothes, makeup, and spray tans. I made every decision based on how I can cover my Vitiligo. 
Last year I met a woman who told me "you have vitiligo, vitiligo doesn't have you"
This made so much sense to me at the time. I got the tattoo as a comfort blanket when I decided to embrace my spots. I also got it as a way for people to ask questions. I want people to be able to put a name to my condition, which affects so many. 

I now happily show off my spots to the world and help to inspire others to accept the skin they're in. 

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