Sleep /listening to my body
my family and friends always cooperate with me
Joined the gym, need to lower blood pressure and exercise and eat right etc
I wish I was invisable.
facial exercises
Botox injections for synkinesis
Massage and press hard on pain side
At least 6 grams per day of sodium helps a lot, and since I hang onto water better, I can reduce my liquid intake to around 6 liters.
Going on a calorie controlled diet
Im in an abusuve verbally & emotionally abusive setting
Don't EXCESS Anything....
vitamin B12
My family and friends who always kept the positive attitude and pushed me forward when I was feeling depressed
My amazing boyfriend who insists I am beautiful with a crooked smile and coke bottle glasses
Mother of 2
Joined a Facbook group for people also affected by bells palsy
Not caring about how I look, just kept going about my life as normal
Relaxation in my affected side
If after 3 to 6 months you develop BP complications (synkinesis, muscle contractures, facial pain or tearing eye), write to me for an advice. In any case remember: surgical interventions will NOT bring your smile back. Your own (guided) efforts - WILL!
Lots of facial "gym"
Trying not to stress, get sleep
Positive attitude
Living in the moment
resting when I was tired
Wait. Rest. Brush teeth in shower to avoid mess when rinsing/spitting.
oxygen chamber
My Cat
warm baths
Keep a sense of humor!
focusing on something else!
Being my own advocate
A wonderful support system at home
When I sleep, I dream my face is normal.
tens machine
Finding a doctor who actually specializes in facial nerve disorders
Surgery for synkinesis
Gabapentin. Keeps bp and HR from bouncing so fast and to such extremes,
Keeping a busy weekly schedule and staying focused and positive.
Nothing no drs in hmo medicaid
Cymbalta/Nabilone and my HITCHINS POST seem to help a lot with Arthritis and Fybromyalgia pain.
family support
Positive attitude. When I accepted my condition and started to fight I felt a lot of improvement
Family support