Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity synonyms

What other names are the Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity known by? Synonyms and other terms with which Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is known.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is also known as...

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Synonyms

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), also known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) or Microwave Syndrome, refers to a condition in which individuals experience a range of symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). While not recognized as a medical diagnosis by mainstream scientific and medical communities, some individuals claim to be highly sensitive to EMFs emitted by various electronic devices and wireless technologies.

People who believe they have EHS often describe symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, and difficulty concentrating when exposed to EMFs. They may also report experiencing symptoms in the presence of power lines, Wi-Fi networks, cell phones, and other sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Although the scientific consensus is that EHS is not a valid medical condition, it is important to acknowledge that individuals experiencing these symptoms may genuinely be suffering. The symptoms attributed to EHS can have a significant impact on their quality of life and well-being.

It is worth noting that studies investigating the relationship between EMFs and EHS have produced mixed results. Some studies have failed to find a causal link between EMF exposure and the reported symptoms, while others suggest a possible psychological or nocebo effect.

While there is no universally accepted treatment for EHS, individuals who believe they are affected often adopt various strategies to reduce their exposure to EMFs. This may include using shielding materials, minimizing the use of electronic devices, and creating EMF-free zones in their homes or workplaces.

In conclusion, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a term used to describe a condition in which individuals claim to experience symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields. While not recognized as a medical diagnosis, it is important to acknowledge the impact these symptoms can have on affected individuals. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between EMFs and the reported symptoms.

2 answers
headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, and difficulty concentrating when exposed to EMFs. They may also report experiencing symptoms in the presence of power lines, Wi-Fi networks, cell phones, and other sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Posted Nov 6, 2023 by Kathy 2500

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Stories of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
  My story began in 2002 when I first started getting sick. I already had multiple food allergies/sensitivities I was reacting too at this stage but everything got suddenly worse after a mercury filling fell out and I swallowed it. A few years earl...
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
i had to become my own "doctor" researched for years tried different solutions etc. facebook groups helped me realize EHS is for real (i didnt think that at first...) started working locally with politics but realized i could do nothing to get them ...
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
Over exposure to the harmful microwave radiation emitted by WiFi, Bluetooth, mobile and cordless phones lead to me becoming ELECTRO HYPERSENSITIVE. In brief, this means I can no longer use or be around these technologies; the effects of such lead me ...
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
Bell Canada decided to build a cell tower in our community.  A woman named Melissa Chalmers was handing out letters that raised awareness of the harmful health effects of living nearby to a cell tower  and being exposed to microwaves 24/7. Another...
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
Please see a website that my friends and carers set up for me to tell my story: www.trappedandhidden.co.uk

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