What is HIV AIDS

HIV AIDS description. Find out what HIV AIDS is and know more about it.

What is HIV AIDS

HIV/AIDS is a serious global health condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV attacks the immune system, specifically the CD4 cells (also known as T cells), which play a crucial role in fighting off infections and diseases. As the virus replicates and destroys these cells, the immune system weakens, making the body more susceptible to various infections, cancers, and other complications.

HIV is primarily transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles, or from an infected mother to her child during childbirth or breastfeeding. It cannot be transmitted through casual contact like hugging or shaking hands.

Early HIV infection may cause flu-like symptoms, but it can remain asymptomatic for years. Without proper medical care and treatment, HIV can progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection, characterized by severe damage to the immune system and the occurrence of opportunistic infections or cancers.

While there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral therapy (ART) can effectively control the virus, allowing people with HIV to live long and healthy lives. It is crucial to get tested, practice safe behaviors, and access appropriate medical care to prevent the transmission and progression of HIV/AIDS.

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Stories of HIV AIDS

HIV AIDS stories
Danilo Gómez es un paciente VIH+, que vive con el diagnóstico desde el año 1.999 y que ha tenido la gran suerte de mantenerse siempre saludable.   Casado desde hace 10 años con una mujer excepcional y que conoció luego de su diagnóstico. Ell...
HIV AIDS stories
Filming a documentary about HIV around the world, showing how we live with HIV now. www.hivuncovered.com Feel free to contact with me, share your experience!
HIV AIDS stories
I want to say that this was a long Journey and it is by the Grace of God that i am here today and my story is still being written.my story started way back in 1980 and it leads up to where I am at today. I am newly engaged to the Man that God designe...
HIV AIDS stories
I was a freah 26yr old whin I sero-converted to HIV I found out in 94 officially. My cd4's were above 1100, so I knew when and where and from whom I got it the previous autumn. I usually got tested every six months sometimes less. Being safe so I tho...

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Amigos, un amigo empezó tratamiento hace una semana con efavirenz y Abacavir/lamivudina. Ayer empezó con alergia. También me dijo que antier comió salmon. Yo pienso que la alergia podría ser más al salm&oacut...

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