mi madre
Knowing that losing vision is tough but not the end of the world
Knowing God loves me
Scleral Lenses
Resting your eyes!!!
Able to drive again
Scleral lens and new contact solutions
Having the best specialists on hand :)
Methods to avoid glare problems
No war in world, only peace and peace every where
Dr. Knauff in Clearwater is the best cornea transplant surgeon in the USA!
Poder transmitir a otros mis experiencias y sabiduría
Sin embargo buscamos recuperar el rendimiento visual de los pacientes en el mayor grado
Belonging to a group that shares in your problems. I received a lot of assistance in FB groups.
my optometrist
Adding a protein remover to my rgp cleaning regimen
The excellent care and treatment available on the NHS in the UK
Powrot na studia
Exercise and a good diet goes such a long way to helping keep a positive outlook
Get scleral contacts or whatever works for you
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