Can people with Kienbock Disease work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Kienbock Disease give their opinion about whether people with Kienbock Disease can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Kienbock Disease

Kienbock Disease jobs
5 answers
Yes people with kienbocks can work they just need to adjust because they cant bend their hand depending on their stage

Posted Mar 6, 2017 by Mina 630
Your work options are very limited, doctors told me not to work. Small hand work wouldn't be possible. Maybe a driving job would be good.

Posted Mar 7, 2017 by Charity 1050
Its hard to say due to everybody healing differently. For some they can go to work without any problems. For other its hard because the pain remains after surgery. I myself don't work. I have tried but the pain and lack of motion in my wrist prevents me from doin the job correctly. Plus I can't guarantee I won't drop their product on the floor. Some companies say I'm a liability.

Posted Jul 7, 2017 by Jessica 1500
Yes, they can and di often work and the variables of tgis disease leave too many options to list. For some, they cn do just about everytging the same, for ptherd, even simple tasks like brushing your own teeth can seem impossible.

Posted Aug 21, 2017 by Michelle 2150
Yes - it depends on their pain level. Some people can't type and therefore can't work in an office, but others can. Not a "one size fits all" disease.

Posted Sep 29, 2017 by Ani 1300

Kienbock Disease jobs

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Stories of Kienbock Disease

Kienbock Disease stories
Hello, during the spring of 2013, while expecting my first child, I began to get extreme wrist pain, swelling, and loss of rotation inmy right wrist. I spoketo my obgyn, who assured me it was carpal tunnel. Being naive I took his word for it. He told...
Kienbock Disease stories
Kienbock Disease stories
For me kienbocks has been a journey of being careful. Since I learned my lunate bone was dying I’ve had two surgeries (one on each wrist) and made and effort to not let it change my life. There are so many things that I have a hard time doing like ...
Kienbock Disease stories
So much to say. Numerous surgeries. Failed Revascularisation. Bilateral Denervation. Osteotomy that snapped. Failed Bilateral Ulna Shortening. Second attempt Bilateral Ulna Shortening using bone graft from both hips success. to be continued

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