Is Mowat-Wilson syndrome hereditary?

Here you can see if Mowat-Wilson syndrome can be hereditary. Do you have any genetic components? Does any member of your family have Mowat-Wilson syndrome or may be more predisposed to developing the condition?

Is Mowat-Wilson syndrome hereditary?

Mowat-Wilson syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the ZEB2 gene. It is typically not inherited from parents, but rather occurs as a result of a spontaneous genetic change. The syndrome is considered to be extremely rare. It is characterized by various physical and developmental features, including distinctive facial appearance and intellectual disabilities. Genetic counseling is recommended for families affected by Mowat-Wilson syndrome to understand the specific genetic implications for future generations.

Mowat-Wilson syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects various systems in the body. It is characterized by distinct facial features, intellectual disability, and multiple congenital anomalies. The syndrome was first described in the medical literature in 1998 by Dr. David Mowat and Dr. Meredith Wilson.


Mowat-Wilson syndrome is caused by mutations in a specific gene called ZEB2 (also known as ZFHX1B). This gene provides instructions for making a protein that plays a crucial role in the development of many organs and tissues during embryonic development. The mutations in ZEB2 gene can disrupt the normal functioning of the protein, leading to the characteristic features and symptoms of Mowat-Wilson syndrome.


Mowat-Wilson syndrome follows an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. This means that a person with the syndrome has a 50% chance of passing the mutated gene to each of their children. Both males and females can be affected by the syndrome, and the severity of symptoms can vary widely between individuals.

Genetic Testing:

Genetic testing can be used to confirm a diagnosis of Mowat-Wilson syndrome. This typically involves analyzing the ZEB2 gene for mutations. Genetic testing can also be helpful in identifying individuals who may carry the mutated gene but do not show symptoms of the syndrome.

Features and Symptoms:

Mowat-Wilson syndrome is associated with a range of physical and developmental features. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Distinct Facial Features: Individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome often have a broad nasal bridge, deep-set eyes, a prominent chin, and a wide mouth with a thin upper lip.

  • Intellectual Disability: Most individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome have some degree of intellectual disability, ranging from mild to severe.

  • Developmental Delay: Children with the syndrome may experience delays in reaching developmental milestones such as sitting, crawling, and walking.

  • Seizures: Epileptic seizures are common in individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome.

  • Heart Defects: Approximately 80% of individuals with the syndrome have congenital heart defects, which may require medical intervention.

  • Genitourinary Anomalies: Some individuals may have abnormalities in the urinary or genital systems, such as structural malformations or functional issues.

  • Hirschsprung Disease: This condition, characterized by an absence of nerve cells in parts of the intestine, occurs in about 50% of individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome.

Treatment and Management:

There is currently no cure for Mowat-Wilson syndrome, so treatment focuses on managing the symptoms and providing supportive care. A multidisciplinary approach involving various medical specialists is often necessary to address the diverse needs of individuals with the syndrome.

Early intervention programs can help optimize developmental outcomes for children with Mowat-Wilson syndrome. These programs may include physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy to address motor skills, communication, and daily living activities.

Individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome may require ongoing medical care to manage specific health issues. Regular monitoring of heart function, seizure activity, and gastrointestinal health is typically recommended. Surgical interventions may be necessary to address certain congenital anomalies or complications.


Mowat-Wilson syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the ZEB2 gene. It follows an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and can result in a wide range of physical and developmental features. While there is no cure for the syndrome, early intervention and comprehensive medical care can help individuals with Mowat-Wilson syndrome lead fulfilling lives.

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evet kalıtsal bir sendrom. kardeşlerde tekrarlama olasılığı %3 civarında.

Posted Feb 7, 2018 by TUNÇ ALTIPARMAK 4620

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Mowat-Wilson syndrome stories
oğlum tunç Mowat Wilson sendromuyla doğdu ve doğumunun 2. günü kolostomi ameliyatı oldu 90 günlük olduğunda kalp ameliyatı oldu şimdi 5,5 yaşında ve 14 ameliyat oldu ve sorunlarımız devam etmektedir.
Mowat-Wilson syndrome stories
Declan was born with Hirschsprungs disease at birth.  We found out at about 2 months old that he had Mowat Wilson. He just had his pull through procedure at 8 months old.  He is a little developmentally behind.  No sitting to or crawling yet but h...
Mowat-Wilson syndrome stories
Am was born in 2002.  At 8 months old,he was diagnosed with Moway-Wilson Syndrome.  From the day he was born, he atruggled with many ailments.  Aj passed away in July of 2004.

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