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It can happen to you

On December 24, 2014. I was very sick at work, throwing up, diarea high temp, I just felt so bad. On top of that, I had a serious pain in my right groin area. After work I went to my local hospital to get checked out. They informed me that I was Celtics and had a pulled groin. They gave me some vicodin, and antibiotics and told me to take two days off from work.
On December 25th, Christmas. Me my wife and daughter went to my wife's parents house to celebrate Christmas. I don't recall any part of thar day. As a matter of fact I don't recall anything after leaving the hospital the night before. Anyway, the day was a blur to me. Family members took pictures of me as I slept on the couch in my gray sweats. In the pictures taken you can actually see the fluid from my leg coming through the fabric of my sweat pants.
December 26th my wife called her mom and told her that I was hardly breathing and and unresponsive. Her mother came and picked me up, I guess I actually walked out to her car and got in. I was then taken to St. Peter's hospital in Olympia in their Emergency room. My wife was filling out the insurance paperwork as I was being assessed and from what I was told. The head doctor in the ER came out to tell my wife. They had intabated me and were life fighting me to Harborview in Seattle. My blood pressure was 64/33 and I had total organ failure and had a 4% chance of life. They were unsure if they were going to need to remove the right leg. My wife asked them to wait until I got to Harborview, fortunately she did cause they were able to save what was left of my right leg.
January 6th I had the intubation tubes removed and I was welcomed back. I woke up in a hospital not knowing how, what, where, I was. I was also so heavily sedative it was tough to even focus on what was happening to me. I do recall the wound care. Without a dought the worst pain I had ever felt in my life time.
11 surgeries later, removing the skin from my left leg to my right and on February 28 2015 I was released to a rehabilitation center for approximately 2 weeks and from there I went back home.

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