A Policondrite Recidivante interview , Osteoporose.

Carla Rodrigues's interview

How did all start?

Começou com sintomas cutâneos e anos depois evoluiu para infecção do nariz, orelhas, garganta e dores nos ossos e articulações It started with skin symptoms and years later evolved into infection of the nose, ears, throat, and pain in the bones and joints

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

Sim. Quando desconfiei do diagnóstico porque juntei todos sintomas, (2 anos depois de começarem), e porque nas urgências do hospital olhavam para todos os sintomas em separado, marquei consulta numa especialidade de reumatologia (meses depois do maior surto de infecção) e depois de muitos exames, em cerca de seis meses confirma-se o diagnóstico. Yes. When I suspected the diagnosis because I put all the symptoms together, (2 years after they started), and because in the hospital emergency room they looked at all the symptoms separately, I made an appointment to see a rheumatology specialist (months after the biggest outbreak of infection) and after many tests, in about 6 months the diagnosis was confirmed

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?

Para já só reumatologia e medicina tradicional chinesa. For now just rheumatology and Chinese Traditional Medicine.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Medicação. Meditação. Medication. Meditation

What have been your biggest difficulties?

As maiores dificuldades foram ficar muito inchada por causa da medicação, com muitas dores nos ossos e articulações, por vezes é mesmo difícil mexer-me, levantar-me. O medo quando ataca a garganta, que se sente sempre como se tivesse algo estranho lá. E ultimamente uma dor aguda e forte na zona circundante do coração, que por vezes parece dar choque. O medo. The biggest difficulties were getting very swollen because of the medication, with a lot of pain in the bones and joints, sometimes it is really hard to move, to stand up. The fear when it attacks the throat, which always feels like there is something strange there. And lately a sharp, sharp pain in the area around the heart, that sometimes feels like giving shock. The fear.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

Muito bem e com apoio. Good and supportive.

What things have you stopped doing?

Parei de ser tão activa, ter vontade de correr, saltar, dançar, fazer grandes caminhadas, fazer body board. Às vezes nem exercício físico me apetece fazer porque me dói tudo e não tenho vontade. I stopped being so active, feeling like running, jumping, dancing, going for long walks, body boarding. Sometimes I don't even feel like doing physical exercise because everything hurts and I don't feel like it.

What do you think about the future?

Não sei. I don't know.

So far, which years have been the best years in your life? What have you done during them?

Costumo dizer que os melhores anos são os que estou a passar no momento. Costumava dizer isso até aos 45. Agora já não sinto isso, pelo menos em termos de saúde. Sempre fui muito saudável e isto veio alterar a minha visão sobre a saúde. No resto das áreas continua a ser o melhor que vivo é o agora. I often say that the best years are the ones I'm going through at the moment. I used to say that until I was 45. Now I don't feel that way anymore, at least in terms of health. I have always been very healthy and this has changed my view on health. In the rest of the areas it continues to be the best I live is the now.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

Provavelmente era mais activa como sempre fui. Mais feliz em termos de saúde porque agora vivo com alguma dor, constante. Por outro lado tenho aprendido imenso sobre mim. Mas as vezes preferia não ter aprendido tanta coisa... :) I was probably more active as I always was. Happier in terms of health because now I live with some pain, constant. On the other hand I have learned a lot about myself. But sometimes I wish I hadn't learned so much... :)

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

A minha vida uma frase.. Também isto há -de passar My life a sentence. This too shall pass

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Procurar ajuda especializada - reumatologia, doença autoimune, caso tenha alguns dos sintomas e desconfie que tem a doença. O diagnóstico precoce é sempre importante. Alterar a alimentação para saudável e compatível com a doença em questão - somos o que comemos. Depois.... Acalmar era o ideal. - somos o que sentimos. Seek specialist help - rheumatology, autoimmune disease, if you have some of the symptoms and suspect you have the disease. Early diagnosis is always important. Change your diet to healthy and compatible with the disease in question - we are what we eat. After.... Calming down was ideal. - we are what we feel.

Interview Policondrite Recidivante


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