Husbands support
My supportive spouse
An excellent specialist who understands the affects the disease has on sufferers.
Pacing myself and prioritising my activities.
el amor que le tengo a mi hija me a echo luchar y el amor de mi familia y mi esposo
Simple daily exercise with my wrists
Mi carrera profesional siempre me da la inspiración para seguir adelante.
Mis clases de zumba.
Aggressive treatment
My supportive family and especially my grandson.
I allow my self to rest when my body becomes fatigued
I also have ADHD, AS, OCD, PTSD, SAD, & a history of suicide attempts (not since 2007), SIB & EDNOS (anorexia, purging, & diabulimia - not since 2008); T1 diabetes, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis/hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, & use a cane.
Take your meds as prescribed. They don't work if you don't take them. Or, if you take them the wrong way.
compreensão do marido e filhas
vontade e garra de lutar pelos filhos
Reduzir glúten da alimentação
I have an amazing daughter. She helps me so much.
a great dr
I take my Rx and vitamins
Licuados de frutas y verduras (fat sick and nearly death)
Painkillers are a good thing!
The right meds and braces when needed.
I have very supportive husband and daughter that are compassionate and caring.
Getting enough sleep
Vegan - there are alot of people talking nonsense about diet when it comes to RA, but I've found that probiotics and a clean vegan diet keep my flares minimal
O desejo de viver. Poder senti o ar entrando e saindo dos nossos pulmões é incrível!
Botox injections
Knowing my body and arthritis triggers.
I am now taking Enbrel and Methotrexate.
Clean eating
Rest makes me better
staying away from negative and stressful situations helped me a lot..
Nice Doctors
Follow up with all Dr appointments
Estoy tomando medicamento para depresión y anciedad tomo terapia psicológica y inpertencion,diabetis,asma, Hipotiroidismo (Hashimoto) Y Fibromialgia Colon irritable,fatiga crónica trato de combatir mis condiciones con los alimentos!!
minha gravidez
My furbaby, Nellie. She keeps me company on my bed on my bad days
Positive Thinking
My family for thier ongoing support (Significant other and mom)
Understanding family
My husband is very understanding when I have a flare.