Great pediatrician who arranged a fast visit with specialist at Duke.
Paleo diet
Supportive family, friends and great medical team.
Body shop peppermint foot gel eases flares
Dietary changes
Son has WG, was 18 when dx in 2007. Daughter was dx with Lupus in 2009.
Keep active
"Remission for 2 years"
Imuran, prednisone and ibuprofen.
Rest and no prolong standing
Rituxamub infusions
2 years of Chemotherapy, steroids and immune suppression drug (immuran)
Rituximab is a wonder drug.
Attitude, attitude, attitude! Positive always. Period.
lush dream cream kept in the fridge for skin flares
In the words of the great Lena Martell "one day at a time"
I am seeing a therapist and have been meditating.
I have been on prednisone for going on 2years, I have lymphoma and need 3 bone marrow biopsies every 3 months and Need 2 Rituxin chemo treatments to try to help both issues
I was just diagnosed last month
Home nebuliser and hypertonic saline
Rituxan helped suppress my CSS/EGPA. I finished Mepolizumab trial and am looking forward to the future when/if it becomes readily available.
Keeping regular pulmonary visits, taking my annual PFT test, and using my mainteance medicine as directed.
I stopped drinking water... too painful
Steady Exercise
Prednisolone makes me feel better
My husband, children, extended family and amazing friends!
The less stress the better i feel.
Six months of Rituxima has made a world of difference
Meide enzymzerstörende Einflüsse.
a lot of rest or take a nap in youre brake and dont eat large heavy meals.
Iodine, mainly from potassium iodide
Having my PCP/Internist & my Rheumatologist/Specialist in the same university-based medical center in my home city.
Keeping busy
Prednesone, retoxen 2 infusions
Resting in the darkness in a quiet environment.
Receiving a diagnosis of EGPA or Churg Strauss validated my health concerns and enables me to stop hours of research.
Immediate relief with Prednisone once diagnosis made
Specialist who would not give up until I was diagnosed
My therapy dog Lucy
My mom and dad.