Having a support team (family) who totally is there for me
Accepting my new normal doesn't feel like my old normal
Try not letting people who have a lot of stress be around me
My endocrinologist
My family finally gets how sic i can get. Im not faking, i need to go to the ED..
My mum helps with miss 4
Get treatment for infections fast and adjust steroid doses for life events.
Slowing the pace of life but still living life to the full
Educating myself about Addison's, and my other diseases
Physical Therapy two times a week
Research for new updates
Pink salt
learning about my disease
Avoiding stress
Try not to let it get you down when you can't do stuff.
Get test for MTHFR Gene Mutations. One we learned my genetic issues, we were able to fine tune my treatment. Which also helped me dramatically.
Never losing hope (I really don't know how I do it)
Regular exercise
Unwavering love and support of my Husband
Supplementing with 7-keto DHEA (for women)
Moje žena, která mi pomáhá.
When I am on antibiotics all my numbers look much better and I feel better, but you can not get a standing order of antibiotics
Family Support
Get blood work every 4 to 6 months
I have learned to really handle my stress level. Getting stressed out always make me get sick
Incredible doctors (I'm lucky!)
Switching from hyrdrocortison to prednisone
Getting my service dog trained to detect Addison's Crises
no one understands how tired i am all day
Started seeing a naturopath and cut out sugar.
Resting and relaxing when I need it
Getting adequate rest
Listen to my body
Mi fe y confianza el que empezó la obra la terminara
every day is a fight
listening to pump alarms and keeping blood sugars stable as possible
Taking my medication as described and on time
My husband who has been my rock throughout
My dr finally got me on a good dose of steriods.
exercise outside and being in nature and around animals helps me to relax
My Addy friends on Facebook are always there to cheer me up.
Realise you need to live with it and do the best of the situation. Life is wonderful!