My daughter is called abbie she is 9 years old she has aniridia and nystagmus . My daughter is not any different to any child her age apart limited vision she can do almost everything .when she got diagnosed at 6 week old I was deverstated thinking o...
Born in rural Canada from a long family history of this disease, I am the 8th generation. My mom and grandfather have it and now my daughter also has it. My Vision is about 20/100 and has remained stable throughout my young adult life...
My Daughter is almost 4 years old and has WAGR Syndrome, she was diagnosed with a wilms tumour when she was 14 months old and has had a year of chemotherapy and a full left nephrectomy. She wears transition prescription lenses and has done since she ...
7 people with Aniridia have taken the SF36 survey. Mean of Aniridia is 2696 points (75 %). Total score ranges from 0 to 3,600 being 0 the worst and 3,600 the best. Take the SF36 Survey