Story about Ankylosing Spondylitis .

It took a long time to figure things out...

May 16, 2017

By: Meghan

I was referred to a rheumatologist several times in the 10 years before I was diagnosed.  I had a low positive ANA, repeated pregnancy losses, low positive anti-phospholipid antibodies, low positive lupus anticoagulant, low vitamin D, and low testosterone.  I also had diffuse joint pain, hair loss, skin issues and fatigue.  It wasn't until my SI joints became so inflammed that I couldn't walk (during and after my second pregnancy) and I ended up in the ER for pain control that I finally received the MRI that diagnosed my condition.  After that I started enbrel (worked, but not enough), diclofinec (still taking), humira (still taking), pilates (2x a week), physical therapy (1x a week), and an anti-inflammatory diet (gluten and dairy free, low sugar).  I've regained some range of motion in my neck.  I still have pain and am not flexible, but my bad days now are not nearly as bad as they were before and I have more good days than bad days.   

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