Hating hospitals and wanting to avoid them
Pole fitness has made me proud of my muscles and accept my body as it is and as it is becoming healthier
My family also have mental illnesses
I also have ADHD, AS, OCD, PTSD, SAD, & a history of suicide attempts (not since 2007), SIB & EDNOS (anorexia, purging, & diabulimia - not since 2008); T1 diabetes, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis/hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, & use a cane.
Support of family and friends
My - sometime to worried - mom
Having a wonderful husband who is always there for me
My amazingly supportive fiancé.
Friends that are always there for me
Help of my parents
My career, nursing has always been something I want to do x
Being honest with myself and others
Making my own songs
Manual Physical Therapy
Support from others with the same conditions
Dormir bem
"Mientras haya vida hay esperanza"
Comer manzanas diario me ayudo con la gastritis
prozac a day keeps the suicidal ideation away
Supportive family and medical providers
hanging out with friends
my family and boyfriend
ongoing psychological support
Talked and opened up to friends
I'm going to go to treatment soon
My wife, my world and my soul mate.
not counting calories.
Wanting to be happy with how I look and who I am
My husband supports me with tough love unafraid to make me mad with the truth when I don't see it right away, he makes it obvious that he loves me no matter what but that he won't stand by while I destroy myself.
Treatment Programmes
My Jewish faith & Native Two-Spirit communities are very important to me. My spouse is my biggest supporter. I'm in a Phase II gastroparesis study for a new gastric motility drug right now (November 2015). I sometimes use a walker or wheelchair.
Compression Socks (properly fitted)
Staying stress free
My psychologist that helps with the thoughts
Working closely with my healthcare professionals and taking my meds
Becoming pregnant with my first child.
Supporting mentors
Well-matched medicines
The NHS for getting me the help I need!