My mom has always been very supportive of me and always tells me if something smells.
There is much more in life than just smelling
Adapting to the world without smell was unconscious. I merely worked with the senses I have
Access to experienced medical experts and other patients with the condition allows people to keep up to date with new treatment methods.
My wife and my friends support me/ Меня поддерживают жена и друзья
learning to appreciate the texture, mouth-feel and colour of food
noticing and acknowledging any changes, albeit small
Reading the experiences of others with anosmia
Having trustworthy friends who tell me if something stinks
reaching out for info about this condition
Communicating with others suffering smell loss
Time to adjust to condition
Accept that things will be different for you, and that's ok
My anosmia doesn't make me unhappy - I barely notice it most of the time. Just when someone mentions a nice smell.
Swimming. Walking our dog with my neighbor and her dog; she also has lost her sense of smell.
When people tell me a room smells terrible
preocuparme menos en que no tengo olfato y estar agradecida con los otros sentidos que tengo jaja
Meeting my wife and fellow K.S partner has been the biggest help
Let go of the past memories of smell and relearn
Nasal rinses
sports and occupations to keep me distracted
No, I can't even smell that.
Learning the exact cause of my anosmia (no olfactory bulbs) has changed conversations from "not even skunks?" to, "oh man, what is that like?"
My husband has adapted to my condition and is very supportive of my depression
A have a support network that understands my specific needs.
Friends and family
Joining troops on Facebook with Anosmia members
I rather have anosmia than be visually impaired or hearing impaired
Educating myself about Anosmia
Always have a smoke detector in the house.
Getting out around people helps if the company is good.
Having a Dr that finally cared enough to test further
Information and resources to understand Anosmia
Talking with other people who have my condition
find the foods that I can enjoy
Liquid cane sugar (3+ pumps) with ice tea in DD !
Smell Training
I eat as organic as possible, and am a rather obsessive label reader. I have a number of food allergies too, so I have to be very careful what I put in or on my body.
Knowing about aquired anosmia and that I dont have the sense of loss
I make jokes up about it to help me laugh more
Remembering that at least I don't have to tolerate nasty odors.
After a family friend's house burned, I was the only one who was able to walk around the house gathering up the important things that surrived without gagging because of the smoke smell.
Putting a name to the condition and finding out why I did not go through puberty was a very important step.
Regular treatment is vital/ Важна регулярность в лечении
doing something proactive about my condition (smell training) made me feel less like a victim.
active smelling
Visualizing smell through my sense of taste, because yes, I do have that