Educating myself on APS and lupus hours spent reading books and joining support sites
Friends on Facebook
GF diet has help with pain and inflammation.
Retuxin infusion
Prioritise / Priorizar
Support of the people around me
mis sieños y metas
The few awesome people in my life that I consider friends.
Being very proactive in advocating for myself.
Coumadin and Plaquinel
Partial toe amputation in May 2017.
my three boys
Resting whenever I can
Finding a team of doctors willing to learn
Learning to accept my new life.
A good therapist
Daily headaches are now more manageable
Validation ftom my doctor when I received the diagnosis
Amitriptyline 50mg
Taking my meds consistantly- once I wouldn't take a paracetamol so took some time to accept taking medicine
Decreased stress
It is what it is.
Plant based diet & exercise
An amazing medical team.
Putting together a group of physicians that are committed to working as my care team a hematologist, a cardiologist, and an internist that communicate with each other as my team
This disease is how my best friend and I originally got to talking. If not for her, I would still be searching for answers and I wouldn't have her.
Using Waki Multifunctional Health Pen (it's function is a bit similar to a TENS machine) and dry brushing to reduce the pain.
Cat and a Rabbit!
Exercising especially walking
Could be worse!!
Life is hard but im hard in life.... mind over matter..
stress free lifestyle
My dog
Meal prepping with clean, real foods
Haven't had a clot
Good doctors that listen
Keeping ALL my doctors appointments.
Paleo Diät, keine Kohlenhydrate oder Milchpodukte
My family especially my husband who's experienced in the medical field and my champion
Trim Healthy Mama diet helped to reduce brain fog, manage pain, and lose weight
Family Support