Botox, trigger point injections, pain medications muscle relaxers and massage
Vitamin D supplements
Reducing stress levels.
A month of taking Gabapentin
Finding the right doctor for the syndrome I have
Reading a lot about ITP
Pensar nas tarefas que consegui completar com sucesso
My partner who always fights with/for me
Stretching exercises, ideally every day; long walks when possible; swimming in the Y lap-pool (cool temp really helps pain!), general exercise when I can tolerate it, the spa and steam room; when I can afford it a massage.
My service dog(s). Without them I would be house-bound.
Acceptance. Accepting my disability and how it will affect my life has really helped. This isn't a cold or flu that I can get over, this is my life forever.
Deux de morphines skenan actiskenan et neurontin
Friends who are always there for me if I need them and don't judge me
Support from friends with similar conditions has really helped me!
Eating healthy
Digital drawing
Naps and resting because sleep isn't easy
Finally accepting my need for a wheelchair.
Things I can do.
Cell food by nu science has helped chronic fatigue gotten rid of many symptoms
O Médico é fundamental
I have been on prednisone for going on 2years, I have lymphoma and need 3 bone marrow biopsies every 3 months and Need 2 Rituxin chemo treatments to try to help both issues
My family and boyfriend have been sooo supportive throughout this awful illness
Lumbar punctures, pain medication
Trying to stay positive.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Finding the right Dr. Who dosn't just chase numbers, switched from Synthroid to Armour Thyroid.
Being able to pay bills..
Trying to be kinder to myself and not talk to myself in a way I wouldn't do to another person
IV Rocephin, other abx (Dapsone, Mepron, Doxy) + FMT
Butrans Transdermal Patch has made my pain manageable.
Mindfulness, low stress life, positive attitude
Finding a doctor that looked for the cause instead of just treating my symptoms.
Learning to stick to taking my thyroxine regularly, on time, and checking levels often.
Validation. Being believed and diagnosed by medical professionals.
My wonderful husband who also has chronic pain, so he always "gets it".
The support of those around me
Diamox and Topamax
My mum was there for me
Cuddles with my partner, my daughter or my dog.
xifaxan is a godsend