Finding an expert surgeon to perform surgery cytoreduction and HIPEC
Consulting and being treated by a specialist.....Dr. Armando Sardi, Baltimore, MD
Waking up every day and taking a shower, Then putting on clean comfortable clothes. Helped keep me on a schedule
My faith in God and knowing He is bigger than my struggles has given me hope and confidence to live.
Supportive spouse, family, and church.
Integrative health care supplementing traditional chemo
Able to retire.
Prayer and meditation
Supportive family, spouse, friends, and medical oncologist
Support from family member who really understood this disease
All the people in my appendix cancer Facebook group.
Surgery to remove tumor from appendix.
Great doctors and surgeon. UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh PA.
Taking natural supplements
I have great family and friends who are always there
Love and support of my family
A positive attitude.
Going for a short walk every day.
I began walking a couple miles a day whether I felt like it or not. This helped me regain my strength
Positive outlook.
Spend all my time with family.
Lots of supplements
Yoga and Accupunture
Having hope that as I got further away from HIPEC I would survive
Having surgery to remove my cancer.
Urine tests to check for more tumors every couple of years.
My wife Betzy and my family’s support.
Having supportive family and friends
My diagnosis was too late. Given 6 weeks to live.
Managing nausea makes treatment ok
Finding a good doctor that I could trust and talk to and know he would be straight with me. Finding a great suport group.
Taking advantage of every waking day with a smile
Regular, moderate exercise and fresh air.
Keep positive happy people around you
Lots of water, and probiotics really helped my digestive system get back to normal.
The strength of the Lord Jesus
Positive energy
Possibility of new and helpful treatment
PMP Facebook support group
Having more medical options to treat this cancer.
Also colonoscopies every few years.
Great follow up care back in Florida, my home state.