My pulmonologist was a blessing.
Biweekly Xolair
4-week course of Itraconozole followed by nebuliser with saline solution improved
Itraconazole 100mg capsules two twice a day for 4 months
Keep stress down by using mental health tools like meditation, binaural beats, yoga, clean diet (went vegan this year)
Breathless coughing feeling tired all the time
Only tried Intraconazole it affected my liver
Knowing the symptoms I had with sputum and coughing and connected to FB and the NAC Dr's and leaflets and information
doctors prescribing ABs and prednisone to have on hand to start immediate treatment
Prescription steroid and antifungal medications
Wach wat I eat and drink
Got laid off from a job at an airport (where there is much jet exhaust)
Being in a warm climate and avoiding cold winters
You will feel sad and grieved at first most likely give yourself time to grieve and pity party to the degree necessary then get up off the floor or bed and become your own best advocate your own superhero other people have survived this and you can too.
great team of physicians.
Had two course of Picc Line treatment over last 2 years
Lots and lots of rest
Trilogy and breathing machine treatments with albuterol and saline
My diet is very clean - veggies, meat/eggs, good fats i.e. avacado, nuts, olive oil, ghee etc. and fruit
Exercise and good diet
New consultant at hospital looking after me
Alternative medicin is Transfer Factors. Would not be able to survive without them.
changed my diet to doug kaufman anti fungal diet - take natural anti fungals
continued daily irrigation with various solutions has prevented additional surgeries
Positive attitude - never give up - there are always things in front of us
M-am operat adoua oara la plaman pentru aspergiloza si mi-a salvat viata.
Reading books, watching movies to distract me
I have exhausted my financial resources including my retirement savings accumulated over 32 years of teaching.
my 15 day purge,diet,and education,and house & land total overall and reno
Losing weight.
finding youtube video for lung and chest wall exercises condition changing
Finding the right medication
always fight for air
Talking or texting with friends
Fungal ball removed from sinus, septoplasty, polypectomy, antrostomy.
Keeping my immune system boosted
Not dwelling on the lung problems
Doing chest physio
Joining a
good infectious disease doc that knows and talks with pulmonary doc
Knowing that there is a diagnosis
Positive attitude
Medications steroids antibiotic antifungal
Resp ease helped thin my sputum
My surgeons removed diseased tissue.